Wednesday, December 13, 2006

In The Company of Fanatics

Religious fanaticism has but one face. Just slot in the religion of choice. They burn with the light of divine prophecy. Their arguments and interpretations are irrecusable. Their divine directives are irrefragable, their claim to represent the true will of the Almighty irrefrangible. Fanatics have nothing to discuss with you or me. They know whereof they speak. And that of which they speak is to be respected, admired, obeyed without question.

Religious fanaticism has no social conscience. It answers only to God and God has no need of conscience for whatever God does or does not do, commands or proclaims is to be obeyed. God speaks through the mouths of his fervent followers, those to whom others defer as the earthly voice of the Supreme Being. Get the picture?

If the god who averted his holy eyes from history's genocidal war on Jews determines that the Holocaust did not really occur, then it did not. Iran's ayatollahs and mullahs deem it so. For they have a direct line to god; call him Allah. The Jews, once chosen of god; call him Jahweh, have been superceded by a far worthier line of humankind and they now have his ear.

Ask the orthodox Jews who have given enthusiastic support to Iranian Ayatollah Komenei, to Iran's president Ahmajinedad. They'll agreeably respond in the affirmative. Israel has no right to exist. Thus is it written, thus shall it be. These fanatical Jews, content in the company of Holocaust deniers await their Messiah and until the Messiah appears there can be no foundation for the existence of a Jewish State.

To the world at large, acknowledging the irreducible evidence of Nazi triumph in the clinical eradication of six million souls, the Holocaust remains a sadly relevant testament of man's inhumanity to man. To Jew-baiters, Jew-haters, the Holocaust was: a) a well deserved comeuppance for that inferior race; b) a non-event - it never happened. For why, after all, give Jews the upper hand in this morality play?

Better to believe that the myth of the sacrifice of six million Jews was but a down-payment on a clever plot to guilt the world into compliance to the wishes of Jewish elites with a plan to take over the world. Starting with that little corner over there, yes, kind of in the middle of those other groupings of countries in the Middle East. As good a place to start as any, given historical antecedents.

Now here, in this gathering in Tehran, an odious association of like-minded fanatics who have lovingly embraced the dread disease of anti-Semitism. In their self-admiring drive to forge their own compact with the evil forces of this world they are bereft of any humanitarian impulses; ready, eager and willing to sacrifice humankind on the higher alter of their version of service to the Almighty.

This inglorious group of hater-mongers are indecent in their self-absorbed lack of humanity.

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