Friday, March 09, 2007

Al-Qaeda's Changing Face

What? We're no longer looking at Saudi Arabian Waahabism gone amok? Now it's an Egyptian version that exemplifies the extraordinary good-ambassadorship of Al-Qaeda? So, we've come a long way from the time when it was Saudis who torpedoed the New York Twin Towers in their holy rage against the Great Satan. Now it's Egyptian radical lunatics who itch to try their god-blessed hand at death and destruction.

Osama bin Laden, the religious luminary who introduced the world to Al-Qaeda is now quietly receding, basking in the glory of his world-renown, becoming ever closer to Allah, and allowing Ayman al-Zawahiri to assume the helm of god's avenger. An Egyptian, a physician no less. Did this man ever swear to the Hippocratic oath, one wonders? Always subservient to the oath sworn throughout his life to Islam, doubtless.

Osama bin Laden now has accepted the post most agreeable to him as an ascetic; spiritual inspiration, dedicating his life - and just incidentally as many thousands of other lives, preferably non-Muslim - in service to radical jihadist Islam and Allah. The expedience of modern technology aligned with ancient tribal worship; videos shown on the Internet wherein Mr. bin Laden exhorts the faithful to maim and murder, the bloodier the better.

While Mr. Zawahiri's logical scientific mind mangled by the passion of Islamic fascism perfects his mad method of persuading live warm bodies hosting gullible minds that the latest fashions in vests must contain various compartments filled with explosive devices. And that to sacrifice the temporal casing of the mind for the greater glory of ascension to paradise always trumps life. And that Allah is pleased no end with gifts, the more innocent lives surrendered to his favour the better.

What unites and inspires these fiercely happy jihadists remains the ideology of global suzerainty; they are triumphant in the belief that they have wrested world domination from those evil conspirators, the Jews.

Allahu Akbar!


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