Friday, July 13, 2007

Duck! Here Comes Another One...!

Hey, lookie here; the excrement is hitting the fan just as Madam Debora Jeane Palfrey promised - what, a month ago, more? That's what you get for messing with her. She's just a well-connected, determined businesswoman. Put her out of business and mop up the consequences. And, she promised, they'd be substantial. And so it has proven. Very embarrassing, at the least.

But so conventionally so. Sanctimonious hypocrisy of the first order. But look, nothing surprising in all that. Why, in Canada, a celebrated, esteemed heart surgeon of great national repute was caught in the act, a 'John' propositioning a prostitute on a street corner. What a storm of controversy that initiated, with supporters insisting there must be some mistake, and others nodding sagely - the hypocrite.

He attended John school, just like all the other Johns that were apprehended, in a bid for rehabilitation of social conscience but nothing you might think, could conceivably rehabilitate his reputation. Ta-dum! Wrong! A scant few months later, he was elevated to sit in the Senate of Canada. An honoured senior among his peers. Where he could pontificate to his heart's content on matters political.

And weren't we so dreadfully disappointed at the shabbiness, the utter unnecessary-ness of Bill Clinton's sexual adventures, his various peccadilloes, one after another. Good old Bill. All those predatory women, what did they have against him to keep insisting on coming to the public fore, to denounce and implicate that sincere, good man. And then came Monica Lewinsky, poor soul.

Isn't it just like men of seemingly superior intelligence and sensitivity to let us down like that. Somehow, we see it in us to forgive men like Bill Clinton, generous minded people whom we grow to respect despite everything. And at the same time realizing good grief, we've put our safety, security and high-minded expectations in the incapable hands of such as he?

On the other hand, there are other types of men, those who delight in denouncing the human fallibilities of others whose behaviour damages expectations from an adoring public. Men like junior Louisiana Senator David Vitter who go out of their way to adopt a mien of savoury behaviours, investing heavily in portraying themselves as staunch upholders of social mores.

They're the first ones to decry other men's dalliances, holding them up to ridicule and public censure, comparing their own sterling mores and vaunted family values. They hold themselves up as role models in contrast to the illicit and unpardonable misbehaviours of those flouting traditional conservative values.

Ah, sanctimony; now the prize goes out to Senator Vitter, the Republican party's once-reliable standard-bearer for family values. One whose opposition to morally-corrupt gay marriage, and the corrupting influence infidelity has on traditional family structures, once the pride of his colleagues. This cynical man who replaced yet another Republican who strayed from the straight-and-narrow now admits to a 'past indiscretion'.

Oh dear, the allure of indiscretions.

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