Thursday, September 20, 2007

Surprise: Gaza is a Hostile Entity

Shock and horror - that Israel would take steps to demonstrate what is most obvious; that she lives next door to a population comprised of Palestinians whose representatives cleave to the determination to wreak limitless havoc within the Jewish state, and whose ultimate intent is to demolish the reality of the state and disperse those of its population who do not meet death during the violent incident of state annihilation.

These are not nation-entities sharing a geography who also share differences of opinion with a degree of tolerance. These are fundamentally oppositional solitudes each of whom regards the other as a very direct threat to their existence. There are no opportunities presenting themselves through which each solitude may speak earnestly and logically with one another for the purpose of entente and eventual mutual acceptance.

Each has claims of sovereignty called into question by the other. One is an established state whose presence is threatened on an ongoing violent manner by the other. The other represents an ethnic-cultural-social geographical existence without having ever attained to statehood. Each entity is comprised of a fractious and occasionally cohesive population, although the Palestinians tend to be less comprehensively coherent in their violent opposition to their neighbour.

Neither is entirely willing to submit to a process which will have the end result of sacrifice. Although the State of Israel has demonstrated that it is prepared to offer some measure of sacrifice to attain peace with its neighbour. The Palestinian population in Gaza, and its political representatives are adamantly opposed to dealing with Israel which they consider their oppressor, and whose presence they are prepared to sacrifice their own lives to destroy.

So how to deal with an adversary with whom one cannot exchange views and ideas and opinions, let alone conduct talks aimed at reaching a mutually acceptable compromise? Patience, urges the United Nations. How much patience is enough? Gazans have proven themselves unwilling and/or incapable of compromise; it is all or nothing. What opportunity can there possibly be to speak creatively and intelligently with one driven to lunacy by hatred?

Patience is this: one makes every effort to accommodate another's quarrel by attempting to understand, empathize, and if possible defuse it. Unless to do so is to sign one's own death warrant. In which case one offers conditions of one's own. Conditions that come with the compelling argument that pain will be caused if violence continues unabated. This is the civilized way of attempting to instill a level of comprehension in those whose rage doesn't enable them to fully comprehend how their actions are in fact, harming their own self-interests.

All of Gaza's fuel, including diesel, gasoline and natural gas comes from Israel, as does 62.5% of electricity. Another 28.6% of Gaza's electricity comes from Gaza's power plant, which depends upon Israeli fuel. The remainder of the electricity comes from Egypt. Why would a country under continual siege, whose border communities are constantly threatened by Kassam rockets pounding down, occasionally maiming and killing, be expected to continue countenancing this "inconvenience" to the safety of its citizens?

The Israeli Minister of Defense revealed that Hamas-controlled Gaza permitted terrorists to fire 700 Kassam rockets since the start of the year; a total of 4,000 rockets since the second Intifada. The population of Gaza's voters effectively elected Hamas in an overwhelmingly favourable cast of their ballots. In the face of unremitting attacks, Israel is warned by Secretary-General Ban Ki-Moon that interrupting vital supplies to Gaza would violate international law. There is no concomitant disapproval of Hamas from the UN.

Hamas calls the declaration by Israel tantamount to a declaration of war. Which is more than a trifle ironic since the Hamas charter is in and of itself a declaration of war against the State of Israel. But then it also characterizes Israel as a criminal, terrorist Zionist entity. Again ironic, since most of the world considers Hamas to represent a terrorist organization, despite its recent 'legal' standing as a democratically elected entity through its political wing.

Some might feel, on the evidence presented, that the suffering of the 1.5 million Palestinians in Gaza is self-imposed. They can, after all, declare their willingness, however unwilling, to engage in serious discussions with representatives of the State of Israel, demanding that those whom they have elected represent them with integrity and intelligently in such discussions. For the purpose of finally ending the absurd stand-off that benefits no one, least of all themselves.

Israel's intent is to promote sober, second thoughts in the minds of those whose intelligence has been fogged by hatred and blood-lust. Emergency food, medicine and energy provisions to the population suffering such privation will continue to be permitted through selected border crossings. Israel is not bereft of humanitarian impulse. Sanctions, however, will be implemented in stages, as the need is perceived, should attacks not cease.

Is that not an intelligent, and hopeful, response to what presents as an intractable situation?

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