Thursday, October 18, 2007

Conscienceless Human Monsters

We know they're there in abundance, just about anywhere and everywhere. We just don't like to think about them. Because their activities are so abhorrent, so counter intuitive to human decency, because we just don't want to believe that people could be so utterly deranged in their predatory sexual desires that they constitute a true and present danger to children.

But they are jubilant in their obsession with young children and they celebrate their successes.
They appear to enjoy "showing off" to one another through the proliferation of child-centred pornographic photographs that would stab the heart and permanently injure the instincts of belief in human kindness any person of sound mind.

Whose attitude is one of an instinct of protection of young children, not a burning desire to corrupt and despoil them, and through the process bring them life-long misery quite apart from the brutality of the immediate acts visited on them.

These are true sociopaths, but of a variety that outdistances, in utter disregard, the vulnerable among us, as compared to most other social deviants. They represent people whose twisted desires and core inability to empathize with the need of children to be protected prod them to victimize children beyond normal understanding.

That society holds such child-sexual predators in contempt, fear and horror is understandable. That the predators appear to be oblivious to the dreadful nature of their corruption is not.

That society informs a cohesive protective need to ensure children are safe from such monsters hasn't proven to be much of a deterrent. Not to those determined enough in the throes of their soul-destroying drive to see children as available, as opportunities for sexual gratification. Interpol, along with police forces around the world, are absorbed with the ongoing problem of intercepting and taking these miserable failures into custody.

Their self-aggrandizing scores they're so eager to share with others of their odious bent find a presence on the Internet. Amusing and titillating others of their ilk, no doubt. Encouraging others who may be slightly ambivalent and fearing the monster within themselves but finding validation in the photographs and films of small victims whose lives have been irremediably traumatized. A reality not recognized by pedophiles who focus on the triumph of conquest.

There are never sufficient resources and policing-hours to devote to this deviously destructive group whose activities bedevil and infuriate authorities, law-enforcement agencies and any population among whom they roam and threaten the community's children. Yes, there is a distinct and direct possibility that these predators lack something integral to humanity in their psyches; they are indeed morbidly ill.

In poor countries like Thailand and Cambodia sex tourists come to prey on children because of the thriving market and the availability of children to these monsters. Anything can be on offer when people are indigent, hungry and frail. When the contest is between existence and defiling a child, the child appears to lose the battle. The latest episode in the ongoing battle against these human monsters appears to be a young Canadian male working as a English-as-a-second-language teacher abroad.

At least Canada had the knowing determination to enact a federal sex-tourism law where those accused of child rape abroad can be brought home, charged and convicted with adequate evidence. But, we're informed, Canada could do more, stationing embassy- and consulate-affiliated legal agents in south-east Asian countries to detect, deter and make a true effort to eradicate the ongoing and growing problem of tourists visiting for the purpose of sexually abusing children.

What a complex world we live in. Despite which, it's curiously nightmarish attempting to comprehend the twisted emotions of any human being preying relentlessly on children to satisfy abnormal sexual needs. In the face of the damage done to children it's hard to consider these extraordinary sociopaths as being human.

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