Friday, October 05, 2007

Dancing Face To Face

What you don't have to face you forestall the understanding of. Things we don't understand entirely and don't meet face to face tend to assume proportions beyond reality. The human mind is capable of the best of intentions and the worst of intentions. Some believe implicitly in the goodness of mankind; others the opposite. And each, through practical experience has been proven correct. Low expectations of others produces no disappointment.

When we deny others an audience, the opportunity to present their observations, their priorities, their beliefs, we deny ourselves the capability of truly learning. As much about others as about ourselves, as it happens. It's really easy to think the worst of others, particularly when others on the surface appear to deserve the apprehension that they represent the absolute worst that humanity can aspire to.

While it's undeniable, in the case of North Korea's Kim Jong-il that the man has huge failings, and has hugely failed his people, he is yet human. Hard to come to that conclusion given his oppressive regime, his aggressive stance toward to the outside world, his secretive yearnings to possess nuclear technology, his self-aggrandizement, his puny intellect. So what exactly is it that holds him to power? Is posture really everything?

Yet his South Korean counterpart always put forward the most sunnily optimistic scenarios possible extolling approaches to be made to mollify this little dictator. Rather than the stern reality of sanction impositions. Roh Moo-hyun seemed always ready to ask for more time, greater understanding, always hoped for the opportunity for the two Koreas to embrace. So there they are, standing together, tentatively reaching out, becoming 'friends'.

Friends bring gifts, and to Mr. Kim was brought hundreds of South-Korean-produced CD movies of which he is so fond, and which are forbidden fruit to his downtrodden people. He is grateful to his new friend, Mr. Roh, for bringing him such "precious" gifts.

This sad little popinjay, this severely health-compromised, humanity/intelligent-challenged leader reveals himself as a lonely, self-obsessed and immature failure. As a decent human being, as a benign leader of his people concerned for their future and that of the country; a complete and utter failure.

Is accident of birth and fate, arrested childishness, errant authoritarianism and lack of humane emotions and intent comparable to evil? One supposes.

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