Friday, February 15, 2008

A Proud And Distinguished Career

Oh dear, here's Hezbollah crying foul. "You killed him outside our natural battleground. Our battleground with you is on Lebanese territory and you have over-stepped the border", thundered Hassan Nasrallah broadcast live, at a safely remote remove from the funeral of Imad Moughniyah. "Zionists, if you want this kind of open war, then let the whole world listen: Let this war be open."

Was it then a secret, all those international bombings of Jewish embassies and social centres, constituting a terror war on Israel, its citizens and Jews wherever they happened to live? Was the world then ignorant of all these happenings? The explosives set in secret, none to know, only the dead as witness?

To follow the logic, Hassan Nasrallah, urging his fellow Hezbollah members to give up their lives for the cause, sequesters himself safely elsewhere than Lebanon.

The green-livered coward. Others may die for the cause, not he. How is it that the world of the Middle East is so rife with the gullible who will drop their lives at the hint of Paradise? Yet those who command them are sufficiently cunning to enlist and entrap the spiritual aspirations of others, while safeguarding their own skins.

Terror great Imad Mughniyev was a terrorist for all seasons. An early encourager of the superiority of the use of a living human as an explosive device.

After all, what well-balanced, socially and politically moderate person would believe that the warm living body standing next to them would willingly, even eagerly, blow himself up to attain to the larger purpose of taking the lives of others? This was Imad Mughniyev's initial influence, clever man.

Yet he avoided public acclaim, disliked drawing attention to himself, withdrew once the action was completed and the deeds done. Caution sometimes is the better part of someone else's witless valour, after all.

He flitted between Lebanon, Syria and Iran, those countries proud of his expertise, anxious to claim him and acclaim him they did. And sheltered him handsomely. He knew enough to hide, and he did it ever so well, for he prized his hide.

To the warranted extent that he would take exquisite care not to commit to anything that might reveal his presence; a telephone, a routine, a single, identifiable vehicle. Trusting only close family and confidantes.

All of which precautions gave him thirty years of freedom to chase the Angel of Death, delivering to its unholy presence one victim, one sacrifice after another. Something, somewhere, gave out. A trusted colleague, a spiteful family member? Nothing is forever.

He spread himself wide, but never too thinly. From the Philippines to the Ivory Coast and Brazil, he got his hand in, training, forging alliances, making valuable contacts. All the better to bite you with: infidels, Jews, crusaders. He made unique cause with Sunni and Shia alike, absorbed the fledgling al-Qaeda, and taught them, too.

He stood as the tallest, most robust and respected terror-inspired-and-dedicated hero, instructing and assisting Hezbollah and Hamas and Islamic Jihad, and doing himself and the overall fundamentalist jihadist Islamist movement very proud indeed.

They will most certainly miss him.

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