Saturday, February 02, 2008

Sinking to New Lows?

Not really, for what kind of expectations can one have for violent fanatics so imbued with the disease of hatred that respect for human lives is entirely absent from their behavioural vocabularies.

They deal in death, after all. They exult in their successes in delivering death, to as many hapless bystanders and innocents as they can manage. They have perfected their delivery systems, they have enjoyed signal success in persuading followers on the light side of reasoning capability to accept missions of suicidal death delivery.

Perhaps the fact that they have resorted to using women - to manipulating distressed women, distraught over the loss of a loved one, a brother, a husband, a father, in an attack, to emulate them, to join them in Paradise, divine martyrs to the Islamist cause - speaks to their shrinking stable of willing male suicidists.

Perhaps the fact that they have resorted to using the feeble minds and willing bodies of the mentally impaired to unknowingly sacrifice themselves in the delivery of death, speaks to fewer able-minded and -bodied women available for their deadly purposes as well. Come now: if hatred of 'the other' finds acceptance in teaching children the glory of jihad, why the shock at the terror usage of the mentally deranged?

There is, in fact, a kind of poetry here. For how different are the levels in mental capacity between poor unfortunates whose genetic endowment has left them short of the requisite cerebral capabilities to pursue life as fully functioning, reasoning individuals, and those whose searing hatred and vestigial humanity compel them to leave reason behind, burying any potential for acute mental reasoning beneath the compulsion to kill?

Why the shock that terrorists in Iraq have been successful in duping two mentally impaired women into heedlessly following precise orders? They were, after all, informed that they be prepared to present themselves as messengers of Islamic jihad by entering a market. That their persons were armed with explosive devices well hidden under their modestly-capacious garments, and at the proper time those devices were triggered by a long-distance detonating device was a simple enough plan.

The women carried up to 15 kilograms of explosives in suicide belts replete with iron slugs to ensure maximum advantage to the outcome of destroying human lives. These simple minds were directed to their own deaths to be sure, but the larger mission that produced the deaths of 46 people in a pet market in central Baghdad, and an additional 18 people 20 minutes later in another bird market in southern Baghdad must have been profoundly satisfying to al-Qaeda in Iraq. They aimed to succeed, after all.

And succeed they did: the unaware female "volunteers for jihad", and the fear and loathing earned from a populace sick of being helpless targets, with no choice other than to get on with their lives, after cleaning up all vestiges of the carnage. Why the outrage, the statement by Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki, condemning the attacks: "The terrorists' use of a mentally deranged woman has uncovered the lowly ethics of these criminal gangs and their deceit and animosity toward humanity".

Yes, we noticed all of that. But why expect lofty humanitarian impulses from proudly declared terrorists? Whose mission is, after all, to deliver warm human bodies into the bony hands of the angel of death, to transform the quick to ashes...? To strike fear and terror into the hearts and minds of brother and sister Arabs, Muslims, sacrificed to their cause.

Death, after all, is their master, not Islam. But Islam birthed them by its ancient prescriptions.

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