Sunday, March 23, 2008

The Happy Reunion

What the authority of Saudi Arabia, the determination of Egypt, the diplomatic intervention of Jordan, the urgings of Russia could not achieve, the Islamic country of Yemen is purporting to bring to an accommodation. Does it seem all that likely that secular Fatah and Islamist Hamas, traditionally and habitually at violent odds with one another, will succumb to these new attempts to bind them in comradely agreement toward a common pursuit?

They do indeed share a common purpose; one stating that purpose blatantly, boldly, and with vile determination, to eradicate another country from the geography of the Middle East; the other covertly aspiring to the same end but through other methods, while trumpeting to the world its moderate stand, its willingness to compromise, to live in peace with that same country which both groups detest only slightly more violently than they do one another.

Yet Yemen's foreign minister insists Fatah and Hamas are open to reconciliation, that an agreement is forthcoming whereby Hamas will agree to return Gaza to Fatah control under the Palestinian Authority. This is the same Hamas that brought civil war between the factions to a vile degree of savagery. Their new "unity government" and the re-creation of Palestinian national security forces will follow new elections.

Foxy, that; new poll results inform that a large proportion of Gazans will vote overwhelmingly for Hamas over Fatah. The plucky rooster led into the fox's den. Yet again. Just as they never learn to lay down arms and plan for a normal and decent future for their people, opting time and again for their time-honoured tribal penchant toward grievance, violence and death, they step over and yet over again into richly self-defeating cowpies of their own devising.

Yemen's foreign minister trumpets that the preliminary accord was ratified by Fatah, is awaiting approval by Hamas. Oh, what's this? They're still at one another's throats, each blaming the other for their original partnership failure. Just for argument's sake - should a successful, albeit temporary partnership be re-established - what then of Fatah's pledge to the international world that all the funding, the firearms and ammunition given to the PA to assist Mahmoud Abbas, as the celebrated "moderate" would not fall into the hands of Hamas?

Precisely. Exactly what has happened in the past, with Hamas taking ownership of the generosity of donor countries hoping to assist in the amelioration of the misery of Palestinians, yet insisting that none of their largess be transferred to Hamas control. Just as Hamas took possession of weaponry meant to assist the Fatah-controlled PA to assert its authority, then let it slip through their hands, unaccountably.

Outside groups, so eager to be helpful to Fatah, to the Palestinian Authority recognized by the international community as the sole entity capable of and willing to make peace with Israel, fall over themselves to be helpful to Mahmoud Abbas. Who, in fact, has never made it a secret that he and his faction plan at some time, to reintegrate with Hamas. It is more likely that Hamas will not assent under the conditions laid down by Fatah. Fatah needs to reintegrate the territories, understanding it cannot represent one portion.

And now Israel has been lobbied by Russia to permit the transfer of 50 armoured vehicle for use by the Palestinian Authority. Refusing up to now, Israel has finally relented with the proviso that the automatic weapons meant to be mounted on the armoured vehicles be left behind. For the nonce. For how long will it be until they are smuggled through and Fatah will mount the weapons on the vehicles, and be in possession then of 50 additional deadly weapons that can be turned at a moment's notice on Israel and the IDF?

All the more readily once Hamas takes possession of them, as they will, most certainly, sooner or later. History repeating itself.

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