Friday, April 25, 2008

Anyone Can Aspire

Is it self-loathing that leads disaffected individuals to search out ways and means to inflict damage on others? If one cannot love oneself, respect oneself, how then respect the rights of others? Well, that's one way of looking at it. And then there's the aspect of those who so completely identify with their religion that any slight hint of disrespect toward that religion by outsiders is sufficient to ignite a latent murderous urge of avenging the Holy Spirit.

On the other hand, there are always, within any society, a certain proportion of individuals who remain so ill-adapted to their societies, so incapable of functioning normally within the culture and the traditions that they instinctively succumb to a psychosis of hatred of everyone. These are the minimally prevalent numbers of psychopaths, sociopaths, psychotics that exist on the periphery of any society.

Their utter delight in coming across similar-minded disaffected individuals leads them to form self-help groups intent on causing strife and misery within society. These are quite separate and apart from those self-loathers who use their pathological neuroses to become predators on society, harvesting for themselves trophies through the serial murders of vulnerable women and children.

We've been experiencing of late another phenomenon, similarly self-righteous and inspired by religion who seek to avenge the purported insults against Islam by Western democratic liberal societies. But their grievances don't stop there, they also hate what they feel are pseudo Muslims, those of their own faith who don't adequately observe Sharia, including their governments seeking the middle way between observant Islam and moderation.

They represent an underclass of socially sterile minds, intent on righting the outrages vented against Islam by foreign occupiers, by societies scorning Islamic ideals and precepts. Their minds become wedded to a stern and uncompromising version of fanatical Islam, and they have allowed themselves to be inducted into a very special company of committed jihadists.

They take their inspiration from the successes of other, organized and trained mujaheddin, warriors of God, who avenge the insufferable wrongs wrought by Islam's enemies. These are the legions of impressionable, disaffected youth, inducted into the concept of divine martyrdom in the struggle for Islamic ascendancy. They plague Islamic societies and their governments, and they threaten all those whose values oppose theirs.

Their covert activities in democratic liberal countries to which they flee for asylum from Muslim countries which will not tolerate their fanatical outbursts and vicious actions against their governments are given voice in those countries which value and guarantee freedom of expression and association and religion. They are isolated from the mainstream, and often from one another, as well.

The Internet is another source of solace, inspiration and education for them. Where they can relate to those other bitter loners who dream about achieving death and destruction.

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