Sunday, August 03, 2008

Conflicted Beyond Doubt

What a spectacle. The world observes with morbid fascination yet another melt-down between the off-again-on-again partnership of suspicion, intrigue and blood-letting demonstrating true tribal primitivism through the drama of Palestinian Fatah and Hamas going at one another again.

Their self-acknowledged common enemy also looks on with puzzled disbelief and perhaps a single-hand-clap as the two geographically closest terror groups in the area once again collapses into a paroxysm of mutual detestation. You'd think Israel would have the good sense to stand back and allow the two Palestinian groups to find their own solutions.

One of the determined antagonists, the one with the veneer of co-operative acceptance of Israel, appealed to the Jewish country to assist in saving the lives of his Gazan Palestinian supporters from the murderous assault of Hamas. And Israel, ever eager to "do the right thing", hoping thereby to reap future benefits through an elevated regard by its partner in the search of peace, was happy/unhappy to comply.

Happy? Unhappy? Well, depends upon who is being quoted.

Head of the northern brigade in the Gaza belt region, Colonel Ron Asherov, described how IDF soldiers, obedient to their commanding officer's order carrying out his own received from the government, threw themselves into the action to save the skins of a Fatah-aligned terror clan; action that brought the IDF directly under Hamas fire, meant specifically to eradicate as many members of the Fatah clan as possible.

"Our soldiers could hear the bullets flying past their ears as they evacuated the Palestinians to our side." To "our side" as far as evacuation and safety was concerned, but most definitely not to their side as far as allegiance, trust and co-operation is concerned. You betcha.

Fact is, Mahmoud Abbas exhibited his own accelerated conflicted state, confusing his original request for IDF assistance by refusing to allow political asylum in the West Bank to the rescued clan, but for a handful he agreed to accept.

And as for "unhappy" about Israel's decision to lend a helping hand to the very Fatah affiliated terror clan-brigands from Gaza who see it as their mission to encourage and engage in Israel bashing through the lobbing of rockets at Israelis, there was the opinion of Lieutenant Colonel Yoel Tzur of the reserves who characterized the rescue as "idiotic", pointing it out as yet another example where the Israeli government throws its own best interests to the winds to comply with a request for help from PA chairman Mahmoud Abbas.

Had he been charged to aid an enemy force, said Lieutenant Colonel Yoel Tzur, he would have questioned the functionality of such orders from senior commanders, rather than risk the lives of his soldiers for such a questionably-useful enterprise. Israeli soldiers continually attacked by Palestinian terror groups tasked with the need to further place their lives in danger to rescue the very militants who continually threaten them.

This transcends absurdity.

And while the government expected its soldiers to go out on a limb for such as they, the PA's Mahmoud Abbas has informed Israeli Defense Minister Ehud Barak the PA itself is not prepared to do any such thing for the Gaza domiciled Fatah-supported terrorists, some 180 in number, who managed to flee the Hamas militia intent on rounding them up, dead or alive.

For its part, Israel has accepted a number of conflict-wounded terrorists for treatment in Israeli hospitals, before acceding to the PA's determined refusal to accept their presence in the West Bank, by ushering the Fatah loyalists back to the Gaza Strip they so recently fled.

And even while this incredibly stupid drama is playing out, Palestinian Gazans continue their shelling in the western Negev. The shelling meant to hit IDF soldiers, the very groups that were taking part in the rescue of injured Fatah militias.

Those Fatah militias, long operating within Gaza even before the installation of Hamas, who took pleasure in the disorder and chaos they wrought there. Now taking flight from the wrath of Hamas, determined to get even with the Palestinian tribal faction they are convinced bombed four of their members.

It's just too much to hope for, that the two groups will ultimately, through their devotion to attacking one another, eventually realize a level of success on either side, rendering the terror militias' effectiveness against Israel null and void.

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