Thursday, January 22, 2009

The Blackest of Deaths

Bubonic plague, a deadly scourge that wiped out great tracts of frantically helpless populations in Europe through flea-infested rats picking up the deadly bacterium and passing it on to humans is on the prowl once again, thanks to the efforts of the most vile of humanity, those who identify as cadres in the battle against the future of the West.

A more evil pathology than that of bubonic plague is scarce to have been found in medical history. Unsanitary conditions in crowded urban centres helped immeasurably to spread the bacterium, killing an estimated 200 million people, about one-third of Europe's population. Daniel Dafoe, author of "Robinson Crusoe" wrote a first-hand account of the Plague.

This deadly scourge appeared in the 12th, the 15th and the 19th Centuries, sweeping through fearful populations, with no nostrums capable of halting its onset nor able to stop the spread. The initial symptoms of buboes in armpits, groin or neck, alerted to its onset. Red skin spots that turned black, bloody vomit, painful limbs and dreadful pain caused by skin decomposition led to death spasms.

The fearful reputation of the Plague is known to everyone. It would take people infested with another kind of plague, the pathology of deadly hate, to plan the use of bacteriological weapons as a means by which purported 'enemies' could be defeated.

A method of demonstrating to an aghast world that dedicated Islamist jihadists could deliver the most horrible of deaths to a mass audience of helpless populations.

The British tabloid, "The Sun" confirmed that Algerian security forces, searching for an infected site, alerted through an intercepted communication of great urgency between the AQLIM (Al-Qaeda in the Land of the Maghreb) and the executive suite of al-Qaeda in the tribal mountain areas of Pakistan, had news of a catastrophic backlash suffered by jihadists.

The message delivered was to inform that they were in the process of summarily abandoning their secret hideaway subsequent to the loss of control of a bacteriological substance. Searching the area, the security forces discovered the body of a terrorist, close to a road beside the abandoned hideout. In total forty-one of the AQLIM terrorists were said to have paid the deadly price of hubris.

A black, dismal, miserable martyrdom. One wonders, since martyrdom in the Cause is such a celebrated issue, why flee the cause of that sudden death? Presumably the sight of the initial members who became infected, witnessing the gruesome onset of the disease, and the its swift trajectory as the tormented men succumbed to death, would have persuaded the rest that the better part of honour was to flee.

These utterly soul-less fanatics, seeking means by which they could deliver the pathogen to large populations, to alert the world to the seriously deadly impact of jihadist hatred, died what for them must be a noble death. Why then flee? Lacking the scientific-medical-research knowledge of proper, sterile handling of the bacterium, and certainly lacking an antidote, these miserable excuses for humanity put paid to martyrdom.

Would that this event might strike terror in their own hearts, but one suspects that those vital elements that give life to all living creatures; heart, soul, mind, were absent in these specimens from birth.

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