Sunday, January 11, 2009

United Nations Solutions Council

The Security Council of the United Nations, dreadfully exercised over the events in Gaza, with Israel finally deciding it has suffered long enough as a punching bag for Hamas's political and religious agenda of Israeli annihilation, has reached its consensus. Hardly surprising, that, given the structure, orientation and participation involved.

There are some countries that tenuously, tentatively, support the need for Israel to assert itself on behalf of its people and the country's sovereignty and security. They have unequivocally censured Hamas's violent provocations, while engaging in mental hand-wringing over the deaths of Palestinian Gazans. The regret over dead civilians, particularly women and children is universal. It could not be otherwise.

UN head Ban Ki-moon has personally expressed his profound disappointment that Israel has rejected the UN's call to desist. Speaking to Israel's prime minister over the country's defiant resolve despite the Security Council's call for an immediate ceasefire. Solutions? Guarantees? Israel pulled back from Lebanon when it fought Hezbollah, agreeing to depart, to accept that UN peacekeeping forces on the border would do their duty.

Hezbollah celebrated a triumphant victory that Israel was compliant with the UN call to pull back, before the job of disarming the Army of God was adequately done, and its two kidnapped soldiers retrieved. And under the very noses of UN guards immediately re-commenced smuggling munitions and weapons from Syria into Lebanon, to re-stock their depleted treasury of weaponry. Awaiting another, more propitious opportunity to wage war with Israel.

A spokesman for Hamas loftily explained to the ever-eager news media why Hamas has disdained the UN order to cease lobbing rockets over the border from Gaza into Israel; an obvious pre-requirement to obtain a cease-fire. The UN resolution, he said, "does not suit us because it is not in the best interests of the Palestinian people."

A terror group whose interests are the furtherance of the fortunes of Palestinians, yet engaged in importing weapons, stockpiling arms and munitions, rather than using the funding given them so generously through the UN and the international community to develop civil infrastructure for that very same needy people, existing so miserably under military occupation.

A military occupation occasioned, just incidentally, by the ongoing assaults by vicious Palestinian militias against the country forced to defend itself and its people. The UN resolution lays out its idealized offer for a solution; the withdrawal of all Israeli forces matched by a flow of humanitarian aid shipments to Palestinians.

The reality is that Hamas would far prefer to continue sacrificing those oh so expendable women and children for the greater glory of Islam. The greater the number of civilians killed and wounded in the Israeli defensive-offensive, the greater cause for Hamas to lament to the world at large that Israel's bestial behaviour is morally untenable.

Oh yes, Hamas should also halt its rocket attacks and the smuggling of arms from Egypt. Not on their agenda, though. It is not in their interests to halt their attacks, responsible for the soft-target-shields they employ to such great advantage as victims of Israeli aggression.

As outrageously transparent as their public relations appears to the observer, it successfully builds upon the anger in Muslim countries and the left-leaning areas of the West - always ready to believe the worst of Israel - to encourage a general condemnation of Israel, and lack of, for Hamas.

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