Wednesday, July 29, 2009

United In Blatant Anti-Semitism

Not to be outdone by the public service unions, by the university cliques of left-leaning academics allying themselves with the usual run-of-the-mill anti-Semites in society, here comes the United Church of Canada in solidarity with the suffering Palestinian masses, struggling under the fascist boot of the State of Israel. The dire social and economic conditions of the Palestinians as a result of forced expulsion from their ancestral homeland presents as the world's 'reason' for anti-Israel rhetoric, opprobrium and action.

Israel and its people unveiled as racists, imperialists, more than content - determinedly jubilant with persecuting innocent Palestinians. How could any decent, civil society that prides itself on even-handedness in justice for all, equality for all its people in a background of liberal democracy turn Janus-like toward apartheid and oppression of another ethnic, tribal, cultural tradition - oh and yes, religion - and expect the respect of the world community?

This, then, is the response of the world at large, the world of other democratic states, of international academia, trade unions, (and just for good measure we can throw in religious secularists) who with banners of courage waving aloft (the colours of Hamas and Hezbollah, for example) reveal Israel for the monster that it is. What is this creation of a state for Jews in any event, but a racist ploy to dis-entitle others?

Such civil perfidy and inhumane practise will not go unchallenged. Not if the United Church of Canada has anything to say about it. And obviously it does.

At the Church's general council there will be a call for a "comprehensive boycott of Israeli academic and cultural institutions at the national and international levels", citing as reason enough Israel's 'assault on Gaza', representative of an "visible reminder of the ongoing Israeli regime of exclusion, violence and dehumanization directed against Palestinians."

Fatah, Hamas and Hezbollah can rest easy. Their all-consuming 'resistance' to the pressures of the international community to reach a peace agreement with Israel that will acknowledge its presence as legitimate, while offering the opportunity to the Palestinians to form a state of their own alongside that of Israel, can be relaxed. Their propaganda, while necessary and successful, has been overtaken in volume, urgency and success by others.

Not that those others are more competent to prosecute and proselytize on behalf of Palestinians, but their combined efforts will prove to be infinitely more isolating for Israel, with other countries more condemnatory and willing to sit by and observe while Israel flounders and finds its own solutions to its problems, impervious to international interventions on its behalf.

Inconsequential little problems like terror groups allied with the suffering Palestinian populations continually assaulting its territorial integrity and its civilians with a view to successful blood-letting on as wide a scale as possible. Tribal commitment to grievance and the heritage of the death cult is somehow seen as sympathy-evoking.

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