Thursday, August 27, 2009

A Warm Welcome

An understanding and warm welcome awaits Iran, in the open arms of the world community via the gracious auspices of President Barack Obama - if only Iran's governing council, its Supreme Leader and its president, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, step back from the abyss of completely alienating the international community by its continued stubborn insistence on nuclear availment toward weaponization. Oh, throw in dire threats directed toward Israel. And while we're at it, the obsessive victimization of its own people.

While it's true that President Obama is extremely persuasive, a real charmer, a charismatic world leader, a true intellectual, and a politician extraordinaire, it seems Iran has turned a deaf ear. Iran does have difficulty, alas discerning any criticism emanating from the world of the West. Does a righteously adamant theocracy listen to the mad ravings of a degenerate political entity, whose society celebrates a pornographic social compact? Quite obviously, it is the United States, that great Satan, that must humble itself.

Humble itself a trifle more, that is, if it hopes to seek advantageous status with the Iranian regime of Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, the Supreme Leader. Ayatollah Khamenei is infallible, unquestionably, since he speaks in the words of Allah and the Prophet Mohammad, while America and its allies represent frail fragmented bits and pieces of a secularized religious illusion, a demented figment of deranged minds. There is no possibility of a mutually-beneficial platform for acceptance and understanding.

Does an Supreme Leader of the only legitimate God consort with a haplessly confused mendicant?

Values, reason, imperatives are so far removed from one another, there is no possible basis for either reconciliation or for harbouring a wish to achieve a mutually gratifiable position of acceptance, one of the other. What other country of the world beside Sudan has as its foreign minister an administrator who directly orders torture, rape and murder as a serviceable solution to society's ills? Saeed Mortazavi is seen in an extremely lurid light by Canada, for example.

Is there another country of the world that elevates a former intelligence chief in the special branch of the Revolutionary Guard responsible for international affairs, and who oversaw the conception, planning, financing and execution of the destruction of a Jewish cultural centre in Buenos Aires resulting in 85 deaths and countless injuries to the position of minister of defence? Ahmad Vahidi, along with Mohsen Rezaee once chief of the Revolutionary Guards, is of great interest to Interpol, to Israel, to Argentina.

But then, Iran has long been accustomed to stretching a very long arm into the international community to pluck away those of its critics, its errant citizens who find fault with the regime. And those malefactors, including Mostafa Tajzadeh, former deputy interior minister, and newspaper editor Saeed Laylaz, for example, now on trial as "plotters of recent riots and disturbances" post-election, are preparing themselves for "maximum punishment" for the crime of sedition.

The former regime adversaries, now pale, ill, recanting their crimes, await sentencing. It can be no worse, surely than that meted out to the young Iranians who have been arrested, and gently questioned, eliciting the response of guilt of having succumbed to the blandishments of agents of the West to bring anguish to the Iranian regime. Their loving parents are free at their leisure to pick up the mangled bodies.

Ah, a big welcome mat laid out for the Islamic Republic of Iran. So Iranian administrators can return in triumph to all future United Nations Human Rights Councils' conventions to share their expert opinion and their experience in handling their malcontents. And identifying the true human rights abusers in this world.

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