Saturday, September 05, 2009

InterNational Civility

Now there's a country that could well present as a poster for everything that most nations seek to avoid in their internal and external relations with their populations and with the world at large.

Every yardstick of administrative positives for its citizens has been breached for the higher purpose of paying homage to the theologians' fundamental version of commitment to Islam. Every vestige of international obligations to present as a member of the global community has been flaunted, because of the supreme confidence of the Supreme Leader's belief in the imminent appearance of the Hidden Imam.

Upon which prophesied event the world as we know it, they know it, and no one quite knows it - will come to an eruptive halt. Only to commence when the righteous of the land - and no one else - ascends to the heavens to populate Paradise and praise Allah. Looking down from above with immense satisfaction as they survey the total physical collapse of the world. And gloating "we told you so", infidels, unbelievers, spurners of Islam.

So, if the country's obviously valid need to acquire and take onto itself the specialized technical-scientific realization of atomic energy and nuclear fission continues to be criticized, abhorred, and annoying cessation demands continue to emanate from all and sundry, it would be perfectly legitimate and emblematic of sound reasoning to unleash a nuclear night on humanity. After all, it is destined to occur in any event (read the above).

So why be surprised that the country's president has celebrated success in surrounding himself with ministers of state whose personal agenda echoes that of his own? Which in turn pays obeisance to that of the ruling ayatollahs? Their incoming interior minister, a senior commander in the Revolutionary Guard. Their minister of defence a former head of Al Quds, elite union of those same Guards Corps, who just incidentally has an international warrant for terrorism, bombing and murder held over his head.

And whose elevation to the position of minister of defence was met with great celebration upon parliamentary approval, causing several MPs to shout "Death to Israel!". "All those who act against Iran will face the iron fist of the Iranian government, nation and armed forces", crowed the new defence minister, adding how delightful it was that his appointment as a mass murderer of Jews represented a "decisive slap to Israel".

Despite the seething resentment of the Iranian people that their legitimate human desire to (a) become a democratic nation with a just and respectable administration, (b) succeed in a desperate, popular protest against the twisted outcome of a horribly flawed election process, it sees the country governed by a military parliament under the tutelage and direction of a fanatical theocracy.

"Some wanted to weaken the majlis [parliament] and government. But the majlis and the government will stand hand in hand and punch the enemy in its face", declared to Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, the country's redoubtable president. It will be difficult-to-impossible to top this one for primitive tribal/religious viciousness.

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