Sunday, November 01, 2009

Grim Opportunism

Human activities undertaken to express fundamental devotion to the concept of an omniscient, omnipresent supranatural power whom devout believers call God, are still subservient to another great and elemental power more fundamental to our daily lives than that of the vision of an Almighty God. God may have proposed, through His divinely-inspired messenger, Prophet Mohammad, to instill in believers the impetus to undertake the hajj, but Nature disposes of the method in which that mission can be attained.

"The density of pilgrims, the nature of the rituals, and the shoulder-to-shoulder contact recommended during prayers provide a perfect transmission atmosphere", according to Shaul Ebrahim of the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and Ziad Memish of Saudi Arabia's health ministry. Saudi Arabia, the country whose geography hosts and is in control of the holy site of Mecca, is aware of its obligations to the millions of resolute and pious Muslims who make the yearly pilgrimage.

This year the Grim Reaper stands by ready, most willing and certainly able to mount a harvest of catastrophic proportions, should the circumstances align in a way conducive to his ghoulish opportunism. Annually, an average of three million pilgrims representing Muslims from 160 countries of the world, undertake their self-imposed mission to take part in the hajj. That many people, with a common mission, gathered in pious harmony of purpose, are intent on demonstrating to Allah the extent of their devotion.

Previous studies of the epidemiological opportunism inherent in this great religious event indicate that "at least 30 to 35 percent spread of respiratory infections" takes place. "This year, because of the high levels of morbidity with H1N1 ... we are trying to be highly alert and highly prepared", cautioned the two health experts. It has been generally agreed among global health authorities that many millions world wide have been infected since the spread of H1N1 began, back in March.

It was agreed among Arab health ministers that there should be a general focus on preventing people over the age of 65 from travelling to Mecca (although it is those under 64 who have been heavrily impacted by the virus, largely sparing those over 65), along with children under 12 (although children under 12 have been struck in great numbers by H1N1, older children also have been, confounding previous patterns of such viral infections.

Authorities are also wisely warning pregnant women and immune-compromised people suffering from chronic illness to absent themselves from the event.

There is an additional caution being expressed with respect to all of this. The huge numbers of people embarking on the hajj. The importance this assumes in the minds of believers ensuring that numbers will not be significantly increased, means that the potential exists for large-scale viral infection. The virus is basically airborne, in droplets, and by physical communication.

In such throngs of people, how to manageably control the basically uncontrollable? Most countries will insist that pilgrims emanating from their geographies first receive the anti-flu vaccine before embarking on their trip. In some instances only those who can prove they have complied, with vaccine-stamped passports will be permitted to travel. Temporary clinics will be sent up by some countries in some of their encampments.

However, when pilgrims depart Mecca, having contracted the virus, they will carry it with them, wherever they go. Whether returning to their countries of origin, or departing from Saudi Arabia on trips elsewhere around the world, vast numbers of people will be hosting viral contamination, to be spread elsewhere around the world. Initiating, potentially, huge waves of viral outbreaks. Which already strained health care systems globally will have to cope with.

The Grim Reaper may be satisfied with this potential, no one else will be.

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