Thursday, November 12, 2009

That Elusive Truth

Apologists for anything and everything contentious within society abound. Particularly in a society determined to be even-handed, reasonable, sensitive to minorities, dedicated to pluralism ideals. Willing, in short, to bend over sideways, backwards, upside-down, to ensure that opinion is fair, balanced and non-judgemental. For who are we to judge when others have different yardsticks than we? As though the most basic moral instruction can be differentiated between societies, religions, ideologies.

The relativism offered as an understanding tool of a free society dedicated to the concept of equality, even within the recognition of differentiation in mores, values and judgement has proven a slippery slope to failure to comprehend. What eludes understanding is that there are differences that cannot and should not be accepted. That they are perverse and unacceptable, belying the universal values of human rights. They can be construed in only one way, as being rigidly inimical to human survival.

When an ideology or proponents of a radicalized version of an already-impacted religion, using common texts from the religion's holy scriptures said to have precisely reflected the attitude, mind and purpose of the sacred Almighty justifies mass murder, how can there possibly be any exculpating justification? In the most recent atrocity committed by yet another fanatical jihadi, instinct to political correctness has the public being cautioned to withhold blame.

The tragedy at Fort Hood Army Base was an anomaly, not to be confused with any religion agitating to militant jihad to advance its agenda. Major Nidal Malik Hasan was a confused, conflicted individual. He had suffered religious harassment throughout his career. He was a loyal American, anxious to serve his country. He was fearful of facing the reality of being shipped out to a theatre of war where he would face his co-religionists as a mortal antagonist.

Escaping the other part of the equation that Major Hasan opted to whitewash the vicious intention of Islamist fascism, totally bypassing another reality, that the majority of the victims of fanatical Islam are Muslims themselves. It slipped his mind that the military of which he was part, went out of its way to protect Muslims in Bosnia, Kosovo, Iraq, Somalia and Afghanistan, sometimes from Christians, more often from other Muslims.

It was his decided choice to succumb to the allure of fundamentalist, violence-prone traditional jihad exhorting the faithful to prove their commitment to Allah by bloody personal sacrifice. In the final analysis, his confused bitterness, his inner turmoil expressed when he overtly attempted to persuade others of the perversion of battling Muslims in any situation, and his covert association with terrorism won his allegiance.

He would, for God, become a slayer of infidels. He was ready to sacrifice himself for Islamic jihad. But not martyrdom, no, not that. After his rampage he could have submitted himself to the kind of restorative justice that lovers of death welcome, but he did not. News reports still delicately refer to him as the 'alleged' attacker. The U.S. military, and its government, were quick to caution the public not to draw hasty conclusions.

Hasty conclusions? From what, exactly? The evidence, the blaring reality of who and what the man was? The evidence that points to the absurd ineptness of American security agencies? The lack of due diligence of superior officers to apprehend a tragedy, and by their laxity inviting mass execution of those they inducted in good faith into the military to do their best for their country?

Oh well, just another unfortunate misadventure. Shrug. Yawn. That's life. Can't win them all now, can we?

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