Friday, December 04, 2009

Terrorism? Religious Devotion!

The puritanical Islamists who declare their allegiance only to Allah and quote discrete Koranic passages to convey their dedication to Islamic precepts and the enjoinment to holy jihad have a truly peculiar way to demonstrate how dedicated to peace Islam is. Obviously, the peace of the grave. Fundamentalist Islam's cult of death-delivery knows no equal on the world stage. Jihadis will employ the use of children as suicide bombers, of mentally-impaired people, of women coerced into abetting their agenda of world conquest.

They set the imaginations of the young and restless tribal-mentored afire with their message of revenge, portraying themselves as victims of the evil empires of the West. Their own empire has been long waiting in the imperialist-tampering wings and it is time that it be brought forward on the wings of martyrs ascending to Paradise in recompense for their surrender of earthly existence.

Which is as nothing compared to what awaits them in Paradise: countless beautiful virgins for the men, singular, soul-destroying burqas the women.

Burqas, however, have usefulness other than for shielding a woman from a man's helplessly sex-crazed gaze; they can be used to cloak the intent of suicide bombers. As has been done in the capital of Somalia whose quasi-government controls a mere portion of Mogadishu, with the Al-Shabab terror brigades breathing hot behind. Successfully detonating a bomb that has succeeded in destroying the lives of 19 innocents.

And just incidentally, three government ministers. The blatant contempt of the terrorists for the pathetically ineffective efforts of the government to counter their brutality is evident in the inability to exert even a modicum of security and control in the capital. The fundamentalist pathology infecting the Middle East, Pakistan and Afghanistan has metastasized into the Islamic Maghreb. Al-Qaeda feels quite comfortable there now.

The population of Somalia, however, will be made to feel far more encouraged and comforted by the joint statement issued from the E.U. Arab League, U.S. and others denouncing the "cold-blooded" attack. That will assuredly make mourning the lost lives of their loved ones infinitely more palatable, knowing how much others care and mourn with them, for their loss.

And in Pakistan, one ruthless, authentically government-contemptuous suicide attack after another, hitting mosques, markets, police stations; an echo and unsurprisingly so, of the attacks in Afghanistan, reflecting the hostility of Pakistan having armed and directed the Taliban to wreak havoc there, initially. How capably self-assured are the Pakistani Taliban, targeting the very heart of Pakistan's military. Hitting the garrison city of Rawalpindi, in gunfire, grenades and explosion.

In the very headquarters of the country's military, where high-ranking army officers attend mosque, killing no fewer than 40 people. Now that's some statement of defiance and determination. The message is clear enough; withdraw the country's forces from the northwest territories or be prepared to suffer more of the same. Islamabad is not too far to be targeted, and there are no areas of the capital immune to attack. Well enough proven.

More evidence of the extraordinarily delirious empowerment of religious extremism impelling believers to do the work of Allah in rampant murderous blood-letting that knows no end. Fanatical Muslims slaughtering other Muslims. The temples of belief are not spared, nor are the lives of children. The passion of divine conquest, that heady draught of sublime surrender to carnage in the name of Allah.

Much, much depends upon the nature of human nature.

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