Sunday, January 10, 2010

Encouraging Lethal Obsessions

Uh, oh, the Government of Great Britain has been alerted. They had no idea, none at all, up to now.

But now that it has been revealed to them, through a rather cross exchange between themselves and the Americans that they are being somewhat held to blame in the incident of the young Nigerian student whose naivete was exploited while attending University College London, becoming president of the Islamic Society there, turning him into a raving jihadist, they're a trifle repentantly introspective.

Even Yemen's deputy prime minister for security, Rashad al-Alimi, has declared his belief that Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab had been recruited by al-Qaeda while in Britain. Now, a university lobby group is busy exploring how to protect academic freedom on the one hand, while at the same time taking action to prevent violent extremism. It's a toss-up as to whether British academics feel one to be more important than the other.

"There is a serious problem on our campuses. Yes, Abdulmutallab got his bomb and his training in Yemen, but it is inconceivable that he left the U.K. for Yemen and then suddenly decided he wanted to be trained by al-Qaeda", said the director of Buckingham University Centre for Security and Intelligence Studies. That said, what next? Suspend the staunch support of Arab and Muslim extremism? Not quite. Not ever.

And what's this? Young Mr. Abdulmutallab represents "the fourth president of a London student Islamic society to face terrorist charges in three years. One is facing a retrial on charges that he was involved in the 2006 liquid bomb plot to blow up airliners. Two others have been convicted of terrorist offences since 2007". This, according to a report in the London Times.

London in particular, it would appear, has become an fanatical Islamist incubation centre. There was the July 2005 London Metro system bombing which destroyed 56 lives, and wounded roughly 700 people. Set off by four British Muslims who happily detonated themselves in the process to secure their place in Paradise. Well earned by dispatching death to the very British citizens who would defend their right to freedom of expression to the death. And they did.

British Muslims have revealed themselves to be the most radicalized in all of Europe, nicely supportive of terrorist acts. British police reported no fewer than three thousand British Muslims made passage through Afghanistan's al-Qaeda training camps. Over 80% of British Muslims confess their first allegiance to Islam, not toward the country that succours them. And the at-large British public largely sympathizes with them.

As does the country's news institutions, such as the BBC and the Guardian which editorialized empathy for Muslim reaction to the Danish cartoons as an 'intentional humiliation ... an aggressive act." Non-British Islamist imams are still permitted to enter the country to preach their brand of fundamentalist, violently jihadist Islam, inflaming the emotions and the frailties of young Muslim men's sensibilities.

But they too appear to have the sympathetic support of Britain's elites, among academia, in general society, within the political arena.

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