Sunday, January 31, 2010

A Wooden Stake To The Heart?

Not far off there. Despite initial reports coming out of Hamas boardrooms that Mahmoud al-Mabhouh, a co-founder of the al-Qassam Brigades which also happens to be the name of the military wing of Hamas, had been killed by a massive electric shock to the head - and then strangled - a puzzling double-murder as described by his brother, that seems not to have been the case.

Which hardly matters in the sense of immateriality, since however he was killed, he is dead. Israel does not forget, nor forgive, violent transgressions against its sovereignty, nor vicious attacks against the security of its people. Israel has a grave and imperial duty to protect its own. The State of Israel inherited that mantle of protection when it was appointed the guardian of world Jewry.

A proven necessity after the Holocaust, when the world more than adequately proved it had no intention whatever of offering even a modicum of protection to Jewish children whose eradication from the land of living owed to their being Jewish; children notwithstanding. It therefore fell to the State of Israel to be entrusted with that duty.

When its children's lives are taken in vain, they are not taken in vain. They are avenged. Not through silent suffering and appealing to the God of our Fathers, but by taking direct and unequivocal action to enact the biblical principle of an eye for an eye, however brutal that may seem to sensitized emotions. Sensibilities can be altered under extreme duress.

"I cannot rule out the possibility of Mossad involvement in the assassination of Mabhouh", claimed Dubai's police chief. Referring in part to several "European passport holders" as prime suspects; none others making themselves apparent at the moment. From their early investigation they have established the murder was committed by "a professional criminal gang".

Hamas leader Khaled Meshaal described Mr. Mabhouh as a "great man" for having battled Israel for three decades. "I say to you Zionists, do not rejoice. You killed him, but his sons will fight you". This death extends the Hamas list of martyrs dedicated to extending martyrdom to Jews. In fact, Hamas is toying with the threat of targeting Jews outside Israel. They are, after all, complicit; they are Jews.

Mr. Mabhouh gained his notoriety within Israeli intelligence circles as the kidnapper and killer of two Israeli soldiers. And was well advised after that, to remain cognizant that he was a marked man. And who celebrated that status by carefully barricading himself as a standard precaution against sudden death. Despite which little worry, he was feted by Hamas as having acted as an active commander "until the moment of his assassination."

Which, in the final analysis, did him little good. His activities on behalf of Hamas, smuggling weapons into Gaza bypassing Israeli military blockades, marked him additionally as a severe irritant to security of the Jewish State. He was killed, it would appear, by agents unknown, who had injected a poison into his blood system that caused a heart attack, according to the London Times.

The assassins are thought to have taken photographs of the documents that had been in Mr. Al-Mabhouh's possession at the time. And in respect of the man's right to privacy at that most solemn time of his life ebbing into the Afterworld, they thoughtfully hung a "do not disturb" sign on the doorknob.

Adequately demonstrating that they could not have been Israeli agents.

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