Saturday, May 29, 2010

Islamist Terrorists Avenging Allah

Allah, it is said by faithful Muslims, loves all of humankind. Perhaps not equally, but like any shepherd there is a soft spot for all the sheep in the flock, even those of a neighbour, for are they not all living intelligences? Human nature is a bizarrely-uneven element of particularities, with all manner of permutations in emotions and devotions, temperaments and distempers. The same God, alternately named, is held to hold sway over all those beings of His manufacture.

And when God, or Allah, gave his creatures very elemental instructions on behaviours of merit and concern for the overall well-being and a wish to endorse exemplary behaviour in the flock, it is clear that what resulted was a message received differently by the various elements comprising the entirety. To those good-humoured and -natured beings amenable to living in peace with others, the message was one of kindness and compassion.

To those within whose souls a searing mistrust and sense of personal grievance would be forever stamped on their psyches, the message was corrupted to be interpreted in the understanding that those not of their immediate kith and kin, clan and tribe, mode of belief and surrender of self, were to be held in contempt and violent disregard for their rights would be obligatory - for they are held to have none - causing violence to be visited upon them at every opportunity.

In this, the righteously-bidden associated theistic psychopaths held themselves to be loyal and passionate stewards of Allah's sacred precepts as set down in the Koran and which they and their mullahs rigidly interpret as 'death to the infidels'. And apostates; those Muslims who do not worship the very particular and fanatical kind of Islam that the Wahhabi and the Taliban do, are as infidels, to be delivered to death.

Ahmadi Muslims believe their messiah arrived in 1835, a piously humane man named Mirza Ghulam Ahmad who preached an end to religious wars, condemned the spilling of blood, and championed morality, justice and peace; an Islamic revival shunning fanaticism and giving due regard and respect to the founders of other religions. Violent armed jihad has no place in Ahmadi Islam, but intelligent public debate over controversial issues does. The sect is spread around the world, living in peace and harmony everywhere.

But not in Islamic countries of the world, where the sect is held in great disrepute. Where in so many Islamic countries Ahmadis are marginalized by the majority religious community, suffer severe persecution and oppression, and seek haven elsewhere, in non-Muslim countries of the world, when they can. Countries like Pakistan enact discriminatory laws, reflecting the majority view that the Ahmadis within the country represent an insult to Islam.

Making them an easy target for attacks. And what has just occurred in Islamabad, Pakistan - where the country's newly-self-empowered Taliban have mounted terrorist attacks against the Pakistani Ahmadi community, killing over 100 worshippers at two separate mosques, and wounding may others in the severity of the atrocity planned against them - amply illustrates the two sides of Islam.

In one of the mosques there were 1,500 people at prayer when Taliban with hand grenades and suicide vests fired indiscriminately upon the worshippers, killing 30 immediately. Another group of terrorist Taliban entered another mosque where 1,200 people were worshipping, killing the security guards and another 50 people within, wounding twice as many others. Despite a desperate call to police, it was almost an hour before their arrival.

What is difficult to assimilate in the mind of someone attempting to understand how people who claim to be doing Allah's will through slaughter of innocent people, is the dissonance of those killers entering a mosque consecrated to Islam and to Allah, to enable them to commence with the grisly mass murder.

Pakistan is no doubt rather embarrassed at the spectacle of Muslims slaughtering Muslims with the world looking on in horror. And officials of the Punjab where the atrocities took place can wax indignant about the need to "eliminate this kind of extremism", but the truth of the matter is, the breeding ground for fanaticism remain the Islamic seminaries established within the country. And they have continued to proliferate.

In those madrasas so generously funded by Arab oil money, specifically through Wahhabist Saudi Arabia, mullahs teach their charges to detest the infidel, to reject modern thought, to revile moderate Muslims as heretics, and that the highest calling is to engage in violent jihad in the sacred name of Allah.

It would appear that official Pakistan had warning of the potential of such an attack. United Nations experts had given prior warning, but quite obviously there was no need seen to be concerned about the protection of religious minorities.

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