Thursday, September 30, 2010

The Gawd Particle

Arthur C. Clarke would have approved. He might even have imagined the scenario. Certainly the plot would have made him proud. It might not have appeared to be beyond his own sphere of expertise to imagine and to write of such an occurrence. Although he was more inclined to speculate about potential threats emanating from Outer Space than from within the bounds of our earthly planet itself.

The Islamic Republic of Iran has sent out shock waves of troubling thoughts throughout the world. Much of the world, in any event. What have they to lose, the Ayatollahs, since they're so invested in their Islamist version of Armageddon, awaiting the appearance of the Mahdi who will congratulate nuclear Iran effusively and elevate the country to the pinnacle of spiritual achievement before collapsing the world in a celebratory catastrophe.

If the detonation of a nuclear device aimed for first practise say, at the Zionist Entity whose audaciously mendacious grasping to itself of sacred ground dedicated to Islam destroyed that enemy, it could only hasten the End of Days and that would be all to the good, enabling the Faithful to expeditiously ascend to Paradise.

But evil lurks in the world of non-believers, the kuffars and the infidels, Crusaders and the Jews. Something amiss has occurred. Not a word of which will be murmured to the world at large. Yet even so, there are those who have their suspicions and who bandy about hypotheses. It is but a temporary set-back.

Iran's great good friend Russia will cement its pledge to ensure that Iran becomes a nuclear nation; if not Bushehr, then another installation. "DEADF007"? What manner of incomprehensible nonsense is that? What malicious thing is that Stuxnet that has halted proceedings, but an evil devised by Satanic Israel?

Hamas and Hezbollah are restless and feeling particularly irritated over the delay. These new weapons they have been promised will experience a slight delay, nothing more. The Islamic Republic of Iran has its infallible plans and its dedicated institutions and nothing will prevent or unduly delay the nuclear fireworks heralding its ascendancy.

What do security experts know of cyber worms in any event? They consider themselves technological geniuses, but they know nothing of the power and the glory and the overwhelming authority of Islam; the holy plans will proceed and they will prevail.

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