Monday, April 18, 2011

What Obama Has Wrought

The United States seen as inconsequential? How is that possible?

After all, the United States of America has always been seen as being and getting involved. As the world's super power having its way, too. It has always been that influential, imbued with that level of empowerment, that kind of compelling influence. Sometimes achieved by diplomatic intervention, far more often by swinging its considerable weight around. Militarily, if need be.

Still does, when it's required, but in a more withdrawn, less committed way.

Other than the two conflicts it is hugely still involved with, in Iraq and Afghanistan. And seeing little real success there. And that's a strange thing, come to think of it. Considering that the sole outstanding lack of success under this Obama administration to have been its now-sedentary disagreement with Iran over that country's nuclear ambitions.

President Obama's willingness to stand back and do nothing other than mouth platitudes has not earned him universal respect. But it has put the United States on a back burner, which appears to be what he had in mind, to begin with. Yet he cannot be completely ignorant of the fact that Iran has managed to manoeuvre itself into a favoured position with Iraq, and gaining influence in Afghanistan.

The United States has always favoured and aligned itself with Egypt, with the Gulf States, with Saudi Arabia and they have appreciated that. Both the financial support on the part of Egypt and the political clout on the part of the others, a handy partnership. As for Israel, where would it be without the dependable support of the United States?

Talk about sea changes. What a difference two years and a new administration makes.

Hosni Mubarak, an ally and a partner in the ongoing struggle against fanatical Islamist extremism flicked off the map of the U.S. friendship guide. Bahrain's ruler left adrift, with Iran breathing hard on the country's Shia majority. And Saudi Arabia nervously looking on with outraged incredulity that the kind of loyalty it had always assumed was now dissipating.

Proffering billions to Egypt to keep President Mubarak afloat, to no avail. Sending in Saudi troops to Bahrain to stifle the Shia insurrection. Eyeing its erstwhile friend and colleague with the knowledge that should the House of Saud face a revolt as dire as Egypt's and Bahrain's, King Abdullah and the royal family would be flicked as effortlessly off the U.S. friendship map.

As for Israel. Well, where does a tiny nation in a sea of indifferent-to-hostile nations surrounding it go for solace? Join Saudi Arabia in befriending China, India, Russia and Brazil? It's been there, done that.

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