Fascinating: Life in Black Holes
NASA's Chandra X-ray Observatory shows the supermassive black hole at the center of the Milky Way, known as Sagittarius A* (or Sgr A*). (X-ray: NASA/CXC/MIT/F. Baganoff, R. Shcherbakov et al)
The inner workings of certain supermassive black holes may be less hostile than we realize, possibly with stable regions where life and even planets could exist.Charged and rotating black holes have a complex internal structure that allow photons (light particles) and particles of much greater magnitude to safely orbit the central singularity, according to Russian cosmologist Vyacheslav Dokuchaev at Moscow's Institute for Nuclear Research of the Russian Academy of Sciences.
Gravitational tides within the central singularity are so powerful that even light gets sucked in. But Dokuchaev has carefully studied the dynamics of surrounding stable periodic planetary orbits, that neither terminate at the central singularity nor exit the black hole.
Here, the existence domain is rather roomy, creating space for life in the spinning black hearts of galactic nuclei.
In his paper, Dokuchaev demonstrates that "living inside the eternal black holes is possible in principle, if these black holes are rotating or charged and massive enough for weakening the tidal forces and radiation of gravitational waves to acceptable level."
He proposes that Type III advanced civilizations on the Kardashev scale—civilizations that have achieved mastery of the resources of their galaxy—could inhabit such black hole interiors.
"We hypothesize that the advanced civilizations may live safely inside the supermassive black holes in the galactic nuclei being invisible from the outside," writes Dokuchaev in his study.
"The naked central singularity illuminates the orbiting internal planets and provides the energy supply for life supporting," he adds. "Some additional highlighting during the night time comes from eternally circulating photons."
Upon arrival at the event horizon of a black hole—the boundary past which light and other matter cannot escape—a theoretical observer enters a region where the radial dimension is more time-like than space-like. Here conventional orbits would be impossible.
However, beyond this is the inner Cauchy horizon where the dimensions again reverse, shifting into a plane where stable orbits for massive planets exist.
"This internal black hole domain, hidden by the two horizons from the whole external universe, is indeed a suitable place for safe inhabitation," Dokuchaev writes. "The only thing needed is to put your vehicle or your planet to a stable periodic orbit inside [the] black hole."
Dokuchaev speculates that these rings are non-equatorial with a rich structure. However, to exist in this realm, any such civilizations would have to have overcome extreme conditions, such as massive tidal forces.
"Yet, some difficulties (or advantages?) of a life inside black holes are worth mentioning, such as a possible causality violation and the growing energy density in the close vicinity of the Cauchy horizon," Dokuchaev concludes.
You can read his paper here: http://bit.ly/rqL7Ig
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