Friday, September 28, 2012

Rendezvous with Lunacy

"Ahmadinejad gave a long, rambling speech.  Previously we've walked out because of his anti-Semitism, threats against Israel and 9/11 conspiracies.  This year his only crime was incoherence."
European diplomat
That European diplomat knew full well that Mahmoud Ahmadinejad gave that same speech, threatening Israel's existence, denying the Holocaust, making claims that 9/11 was an insider job meant to defame Islam and inflate the U.S. administration's intention of going to war with Islam.  It was simply spoken at another venue, same city, a few days earlier.  Ahmadinejad's speech at the UN was slightly muted.

The allegations were all there, a trifle oblique, but they remained in place.  Those European representatives who remained in place, did honour to a state and a man to whom no honour was owed or applicable, by staying where they were.  Canada did walk out without waiting for a preamble.  The United States had absented itself, as did Israel. 

The remaining 100 and more state heads, government leaders and their representatives stayed in place, listened to another predictable diatribe against the West by a leader whose comments about evil and control and human rights abuses levelled against democracies with advanced civil societies - reflecting the misery of his own country, while lauding it for its high-minded representation as a bastion of justice and goodness - must have basked in the comfort of its warmth.

Happy to identify with the "Occupy" movement that swept through democratic nations after its birth in the United States, he deplored the fact that the voices of the "99%" had been ignored.  But not in Tehran, where dissent is valued and encouraged and honoured by the protection of the Islamic Republic of Iran who heeded their calls for equality and made policy changes to reflect their pleas.

The Republic of Iran and their president made no secret of their devotion to a fairer world order.  Speaking derisively of the dominance by great powers that were not so great, but rather brutally invested quite unlike the Republic of Iran attuned to the voice of its people.  All would be solved in the presence of the anticipated saviour, when the Unseen Mahdi, Muhammad ibn al-Hasan al-Mahdi miraculously appeared.
"The current abysmal situation of the world and the bitter incidents of history are due mainly to the wrong management of the world, and the self-proclaimed centres of power who have entrusted themselves to the devil."
And from Tehran the state broadcaster reported "tens of cases of murder have taken place [in Canada] as a result of the police violent attack with clubs in reaction to the protest gatherings".

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