Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Hellish Hezbollah

"Iran has provided Hezbollah with the funds, training and advanced weapons to high-jack the Lebanese state and transform it into an outpost for terror."
"One does not need any further evidence that Hezbollah is a direct proxy of the Iranian regime.  Hezbollah's continued provocations could have devastating consequences for the region."
"Some countries around this table continue to define Hezbollah as a charitable and political group, not a terrorist organization.  This is no less ridiculous than describing the Mafia as a gentleman's social club."
"How much longer must this absurdity continue?  How many more innocents must fall victim to Hezbollah terror before Europe acts?  It is time for all responsible nations to call Hezbollah exactly what it is: a global terrorist organization."
Ron Prosor, Israeli Ambassador to the United Nations
Imagine, an Israeli diplomat having the unmitigated nerve to address the Security Council's regular Middle East debate!  Israel, the one nation on Earth considered almost persona non grata within the United Nations, representing the sole country never invited to sit on any of the UN's committees - permitted attendance but barely, on perpetual sufferance. 

Israel, the one country singled out regularly for condemnation by the various manifestations of the UN's Human Rights Council, on which committee sit some of the world's most notorious human rights abusers.  Logical enough in a peculiarly twisted UN methodology; when dealing with human rights get the abusers on board because they're the experts.

The European Union while having resisted placing Hezbollah on their internal terrorism list has been enabling Hezbollah to raise funds throughout Europe, as though it is legitimate to portray themselves as a charitable organization dedicated to good works, not one whose militia is dedicated to the destruction of the State of Israel. 

With the backing of Iran and Syria for whom the destruction of Israel remains a guiding principle of intent to free the world of its Jewish presence (and in so doing present the Nobel Commission with a real dilemma), Hezbollah is well on the way to destroying Lebanon's social, cultural and religious sovereignty, making it an unwilling creature of Iran. 

The open secret that Hezbollah militias have been involved with the Syrian Alawite regime of President Bashar al-Assad in battling the Free Syrian Army rebels, aiding the regime to bomb and attack Syrian civilians is yet another factor in favour of declaring them a terrorist outfit.  Ambassador Prosor declared that Hezbollah's head Hassan Nasrallah and Iran's president, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad "sit on Bashar Assad's advisory board..."

The United Nations peacekeeping force established on the border between Lebanon and Israel was placed there to monitor the situation between the two countries.  Hezbollah lobs rockets over into Israel on occasion, but the UN peacekeepers see no evil.  Nor do they apprehend the continual smuggling of weapons from Iran and Syria through to the Hezbollah force in Lebanon, which has acquired a redoubtable arsenal of advanced weaponry.

"I know that there is no shortage of those willing to express their 'commitment to Israel's security' in these halls", Ambassador Prosor said in a spirit of puckish provocation.

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