Will They? Or Won't They?
Impressions are important at this juncture. The impression has already been left in the public mind that the Obama administration and the State Department failed miserably in their duty to ensure that their foreign missions were adequately protected. Particularly at that critical date when history reminded that the United States was attacked by the very same violence-inspired jihadists that had gained a footing in Libya post-revolution.American security on the scene was aware of the malign and belligerent presence of al-Qaeda, anxious to provide a follow-up event to the anniversary of 911. And so was Ambassador Christopher Stevens. Enough so that they were concerned to the point of alarm, and made overtures to the State Department that additional U.S. security was required in Benghazi, not the locally-engaged guards who were tasked with security.
When, in fact, the organized al-Qaeda-linked jihadists, well armed, co-ordinated and meaning business arrived menacingly on the scene those locally-engaged security guards stood their ground for a very short period of time before finding it more convenient to shrink into the shadows and let what would happen simply proceed. Resulting in the four American deaths.
And rancid egg all over the administration's face. With awkward questions being lobbed toward the Obama administration at this most critical of all times; the campaign for the next President of the United States. Despite shying away from declaring the attack an obvious terrorist assault for too long in the face of clear and damning evidence to the contrary, it was finally stated.
And having done so, the Secretary of State, the estimable Hillary Clinton has seen fit to fall on her sword disembowelling herself, but since she has no intention of running again, it was a sacrifice for her party and her president. Vice-President Joe Biden, on the other hand, made a debate pledge that those responsible for the attack would pay dearly.
"We will find and bring to justice the men who did this." He gravely promised that the world could expect retribution on the very near horizon. "If you do harm to America, we will track you to the gates of hell if need be," he assured all those listening who might consider themselves attempting a similar stunt.
That promise may be far more difficult to fulfill than it was to state. Ansar al-Shariah has been forewarned. They have been implicated by eyewitnesses, by intercepted calls following the attack, from Ansar fighters to al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb leaders. They couldn't resist claiming the honours due them.
But they can surely resist the onslaught by vengeance-seeking Americans to exact dues on those who felt they could attack American soil and destroy American lives with impunity.
But the actual identities of the perpetrators, above and beyond suspicion? There is a case to be made for a sloppy initial investigation making solid proof difficult to come by. The alternative will be to bomb whichever militia happens to be handy when the bombs are aerial-borne.
Sooner the better; the election needs a prod to re-elect the incumbent.
Labels: Libya, Political Realities, Terrorism, Troublespots, United States, Values
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