Monday, January 12, 2015

Brothers In Islamist Jihad

"My brothers, our team, divided things in two."
"We did things a bit together and a bit apart, so that it'd have more impact. [Along with helping financially] a few thousand euros [to enable preparations for the operation to proceed]."
"What we are doing is completely legitimate, given what they are doing."
Amedy Coulibaly, French-Muslim jihadist
People take part in a Unity Rally "Marche Republicaine" in Reims on 11 January 2015 Many French people took part in marches outside Paris, including at this rally in Reims

So what were "they" doing to bring down upon their heads the wrath of Allah's soldiers in jihad? "They" were behaving in a rude and offensive manner to the Prophet Mohammad and by extension Allah. It was Judaism that impressed upon its faithful to "have no graven images" before God. Like so many other portions of Judaism, Islam selectively took what it deemed required for its new religion for Middle East Bedouins to begin to make its mark on the world of religion.

In Judaism there is no morbid, mortal penalty for offending the instruction not to portray a sacrilegious image. Within strictly fundamentalist Islam, which has enjoyed a broad renaissance over the past fifty years and more, the death penalty is deemed just for those who scorn the basic parameters of Islamic worship. "They", the disrespectful cartoonists and journalists associated with an undisciplined satirical magazine, provoked al-Qaeda and its linked jihadis to retribution.

The other "they" provoke Islamist jihadis by their presence on Earth. Wherever they live, they assert their right to live, which the jihadists deem in and of itself a provocation. Jews are the "they" whose presence anywhere in the world arouse the deadly ire of Muslim Salafists. The impudence of ancient Hebrews to spurn Mohammad's generous invitation to join his brave new religion whose creation he felt would leave its predecessor unneeded, earned them mass slaughter.

In the very places in Saudi Arabia where ancient Jews once dominated the land only to be routed and butchered by Mohammad's marauding warriors of Islam, Wahhabist Islam has launched itself worldwide into a growing paroxysm of fundamentalist Islam. Saudi wealth has fuelled the launching of madrasses the world over, from the far East to the near East, Africa to North America and Europe, the renewal of Islamist conquest has gone forward.

A man holds a placard at the unity rally in Paris, 11 January 2015 Marchers headed towards the Place de la Nation for the final rally

France is home to Europe's largest Muslim demographic. It isn't as though the ten percent of French citizens that are Muslim have launched a mass, violent uprising against non-Muslim France. A minuscule number of 'radicalized' Muslim haters is all it takes to turn a civilized society into a terrorized, trembling but defiant population marching in solidarity with those who were willing martyrs and those who were forced into death's bleak chamber.

Thousands of innocent civilians, including Christians and Muslims, are slaughtered in Nigeria by Boko Haram and the government barely reacts; corruption in an oil-wealthy, populous African country ensures the military is incapable of defending its citizens from mass abductions, rape, slaughter and terrified migration. Contrast that to a unified, democratic country like France whose culture and values and government pledge to safeguard its citizens with a solid, dependable military presence, but despite all that, fails.

Europeans are unfailingly polite, not wishing to give offence to anyone, so these are "militants", not terrorists, they are misguided Muslims who do not represent Islam, and their mindset is one of "radicalization", who happen to violently prey on a certain portion of French society, but who are seldom named as Jews in a society that condemns racism but is growing increasingly anti-Semitic. On this latest occasion the targets were threefold; journalists, Jews and police; the order not necessarily relevant.

The journalists because of their relentless impudence, just asking for response; the police because they represent law and order, inimical to the presence of jihadists; the Jews -- because they are.

Yohan Cohen, Philippe Braham, Yoav Hattab and Francois-Michel Saada Yohan Cohen, Philippe Braham, Yoav Hattab and Francois-Michel Saada were killed at the kosher supermarket

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