Iranian Threats
"The Iranian regime is an outlaw regime. It does not believe in the Charter of the United Nations. Article 2.4 of the Charter does not allow for occupation of states, changes to borders, violations of sovereignty, or interference in the sovereign matters of states. But Iran, in keeping with the military doctrine in its constitution, takes the liberty of interfering in the sovereign matters of other states, and it even employs military means and interferes by means of war. This is why I say that the theory of the Rule of the Jurisprudent leads to the establishment of a country of war and aggression. Iran uses terrorist organizations, in addition to its own ideological army, the IRGC. Here lies the catastrophe of Iran and its regime. This is why the United States designates Iran as the number one terror-sponsoring state. This description is accurate. The losses in Syria are estimated at $400 billion. In Lebanon, the situation is catastrophic because of the money laundering and drug trafficking, which is sponsored by Nasrallah and Hizbullah in Lebanon, Argentina, and Latin America. The Iran-Iraq war cost both sides $400 billion, and there were one million casualties. Had that money gone to development in Iran and in Iraq, we would not have reached this catastrophic situation and we could have built peace and coexistence between two countries that have been neighbors throughout history."
"Iran has spent $500 billion on its missile and nuclear armament programs. It has spent $350 billion on the regional wars in the Middle East. If these $850 billion – almost one trillion dollars – had gone to the protection, defense, and development of the Iranian people, then today there would not have been 35 million Iranians below the poverty line, 50 million hungry Iranian who require food aid, or seven million young Iranians who have no job opportunities as a result of all the money spent on wars and on the production of missiles and tanks. This is similar to what happened in the Soviet Union. It embarked on an arms race and spent billions on becoming a nuclear superpower in order to create a balance of terror, but, meanwhile, its domestic economy collapsed. The collapse of the Soviet economy led to the collapse of the Soviet republics, of the Comecon organization, and of the Warsaw Pact, and we became a new world in 1990. Today, Iran is facing the same problem. It has missiles, it has a nuclear program, it has tanks with which it threatens the world, and it has terrorist militias, but its economy is collapsing and withering. Its economy is stagnant, yet it continues to threaten the world."Ghazi Faisal, Iraqi former ambassador to France, MEMRI interview"They [Bahrain and the United Arab Emirates] condemned the helplessness of Lebanon, which allows the Hezbollah terrorist organization to operate from its territory against Israel.""The Arab world also understands that the Iranian aggression endangers not only Israel, but the entire region."Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu

The Islamic Republic of Iran since 1979 when the Shah of Iran was ousted and Iran which had been increasingly under Shah Mohammad Reza Pahlavi enlightened and democratized, became a fundamentalist Shiite theocracy under Grand Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini returned from exile to lead the country and bring Islamist 'revolution' to the region has been a menace on the world stage. The Republic's first appearance on the world stage came with the storming of the U.S. embassy in Tehran and the taking of U.S. diplomatic hostages.
During the 1980s the Republic began its successful dominance as a rising Shiite power in a majority Sunni Middle East by dispatching its Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps on a mission to persuade Lebanese Shiites to transform themselves into a militant terrorist group which succeeded in blowing up a U.S. barracks in Beirut at the cost of over 300 lives -- American and French -- with its first truck bombings. Since then Iran has spread its tentacles into Syria, Qatar and Yemen; along with Lebanon it has secured a confrontational Shiite triangle.
Its threat toward Middle East stability starts with its promise to annihilate Israel. Sunni nations, while in the majority, fear that Iran's deadly gaze on Israel will all too soon swivel toward them in turn. The Republic's insistence on transforming itself into a nuclear power to consolidate its view of itself as the rightful centre in the region of power, control and conquest in the Middle East has the entire geography on edge. Its support of the Houthi rebels in Yemen, the Hamas terrorists in Gaza, speaks volumes of its deadly intentions.
This is a country whose vitriolic hatred of other countries, other ideologies, other religions, cannot be placated. Hopes that the ruling Ayatollahs will ever moderate their fundamentalist Islamist control should be set aside in the face of obvious reality. The European Union has been prepared to offer concessions and support the Iranian position that it should be free to comport itself in whatever manner it wishes, threat to the greater international order aside.
Tehran espouses an ideology of "sacred defence", which translates to jihad against any entity, state or ideology that views its hostility to the West in particular as reason enough to coerce and threaten and plot acts of violent disruption. It is a world menace whose unstoppable doctrinal devotion to Islamist jihad and its willingness to precipitate the return of the Hidden Imam to hasten the combustion of the world so that the faithful in Islam can be elevated to Paradise while all others burn, bespeaks the ideation of primordial madness.
Labels: Islamic Republic of Iran, World Threat
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