Nazi Mentors for Child-Centric Health Spas
"I was five years old when they sent me." "On the first day all the children were tied to their beds, and I got such shock. We were punished just for talking." "The children came back sicker than when they left, they were malnourished, had to be hospitalized." "Sometimes they were so disturbed they didn't recognize their parents." "We believe that female personnel from concentration camps used the children's homes as places to flee to, where they could find work." "But we don't know that for sure." "The Nazi concept of human beings played a big role here we think." "We came back different to how we went in." "We came back injured and wounded, in our souls and physically." Anja Röhl, herself a survivor of a home in Hamburg
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Spa home Movennest on the island of Borkum (Quelle Heimatverein Borkum) |
Nazis, after the conclusion of the World War II, were deeply integrated into German society, retaining their fascist ideology, many of them never coming to justice, seemingly protected by German authorities who appeared to have little stomach or interest in holding them to account for their inhumane racist ideology and their part in enacting racist policy so dire that it targeted those considered to be unfit to live; children and adults with mental incapacity, physical abnormalities, destined for death in a eugenics-transfixed 'ubermensch' fixation.
The practise of isolating and given 'special attention' to problem children appeared to persist in post-war Germany. Families with a child who was disobedient, one who was a bed-wetter, another who might be a little slower than their peers, were often sent to special 'health resorts' to straighten them out. Survivors of those 'spas' who managed to live normal lives with abnormal background memories appear to have brought a spotlight to the presence of these places helpless children were assigned to, up until 1980.
A senior SS general Hugo Kraas, had been appointed director of a spa in a North Sea resort in 1969. There, children were routinely exposed to abuse. That situation being brought to the public spotlight, German authorities are now, somewhat tardily, announcing plans to investigate the resorts with a particular eye to unravelling how it was they gave harbour to ex-Nazis and made the lives of children sent there a living hell.
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Sie wurden erniedrigt und gequält: Für viele Kinder wurde eine Kur in den 1950er- bis 1980er-Jahren zum Albtraum. Recherchen von Report Mainz zeigen: Mehrere Heime wurden von hochrangigen NS-Funktionären geleitet. Von Ulrich Neumann und Philipp Reichert, SWR |
A Nazi doctor who had been accused of sending at least seven children to death under a eugenics program instituted by the government of the Third Reich, Hitler's National Socialist Party's eugenics program to cleanse Germany of the unfit, along with a former SS officer who was involved in the murder of Lithuanian Jews have been featured in a documentary about the health resorts.
The doctor and the SS officer held senior positions at children's health spas, outlined in a documentary. It was routine for West German children to be sent along to health spas for the sin of being overweight, or wetting the bed. The children were subjected to inhumane conditions, punished for being children. Possibly in the belief that stern treatment and the withholding of normal human emotional ties would make better humans and adults of them. More likely to fit into a fascist culture.
To cultivate their better natures and instill an appreciation of adult authority in these children they were beaten, sedated and injected with drugs. Until as recently as the 1970s, former Nazis were placed in respected positions of authority at these spas. A situation being publicly aired by broadcasting of these documentaries of German culture. The absolute reverse of the Biblical injunction: "Suffer the little children to come unto me".
Aus hilflosen Kindern werden Erwachsene, die sich erinnern können: Erniedrigung statt Erholung! |
Labels: Child Welfare, Children, Germany, Nazis, Neglect
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