Teaching Israel How to Suck Eggs
"It is great to be back in Israel. This is my fifth trip, but my first as Minister of Foreign Affairs [of Canada]. I am delighted to meet the Foreign Affairs Minister of the new government. We have lots to talk about.""At this point, our number one priority, our number one advice is that we need to lower the temperature.""The continued building of settlements, and the evictions and demolitions in East Jerusalem should cease, and so that was the message we carried, because we think that is potentially provocative.""Gaza was hit hard, not only with the loss of life, but also with the destruction of many homes, and also infrastructure that is essential to carry out the normal life.""We [Garneau, new Prime Minister Naftali Bennett and Foreign Affairs Minister Yair Lapid] talked about strengthening co-operation in a number of areas, including research and development.""I reaffirmed Canada's long-standing position that a two-state solution is the best path to comprehensive, just and lasting peace for both Israel and Palestinians.""The indiscriminate barrage of rocket attacks fired by Hamas into populated areas of Israel is absolutely unacceptable and must cease immediately.""Canada supports Israel's right to live in peace with its neighbors within secure boundaries and recognizes Israel's right to assure its own security.""Solemn moments @YadVashem with SE @IrwinCotler. We have a collective duty to remember the victims of the Holocaust & pay tribute to the resilience of survivors.""Canada is firmly committed to advancing Holocaust education, remembrance & fighting #antisemitism & Holocaust denial."Canadian Minister of Foreign Affairs, Marc Garneau
Foreign Minister Yair Lapid meets his Canadian counterpart Marc Garneau in Jerusalem, Sunday, July 4, 2021. (photo credit: AVI HAYUN)
current Government of Canada fancies itself an intermediary in the
intransigent standoff between the state of Israel and the Palestinians
who resent a Jewish state occupying a tiny sliver of land as
representative of its ancient hereditary homeland. A tiny geography that
shrank exponentially from Judea's original geography but held
nonetheless as a precious possession on which the tiny number of Jews
worldwide, close to 15 million people, can find haven from a world that
historically failed the human rights of diaspora Jews, culminating in a
systematic cull to the death of the Jews of Europe.
was one of many countries that had the opportunity to save a shipload
of Jews sailing on the M.S.St Louis but which was refused entry from one
port after another, at a time when the-then prime minister of the
country felt that Canada could not possibly sustain the entry of any
more Jews who were systematically discriminated against, refused entry
to private clubs, summer camps or rental properties when signs were
posted that 'no dogs blacks or Jews allowed', and Jews were refused
attendance at universities.
disputed territories -- once a part of Judea, latterly occupied by
migrating Arabs chiefly from Egypt and Jordan though traditional
Orthodox Jews never left the land of their ancestors while Arabized Jews
living in Muslim countries for millennia after Rome destroyed the
second Temple of Solomon and partially razed Jerusalem were tolerated as
second-class residents under Islam -- seize the attention of the
international community. The Arabs, who purloined the name
'Palestinians' from its original possessors, the Jewish community,
consider themselves and Israel itself 'occupied'.
"We feel that it is very important for the democratic process and
the fact that many Palestinians would like to vote, [in the West Bank under the Palestinian Authority] and many, many
Palestinians have never voted in their life because the last elections
were so long ago. And this is an opportunity for them to
express themselves democratically", Mr. Garneau said
while visiting Ramallah after his stay in Israel. Palestinian President
Mahmoud Abbas appealed to Canada through Mr. Garneau, to help stop
Israeli 'aggression' against the Palestinians.
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Canadian Foreign Minister Marc Garneau meets with PA leader Mahmoud Abbas in Ramallah, July 5, 2021. (Twitter) |
is the Palestinian leader who exhorts Palestinians to 'resist' the
presence of Israel, to become martyrs, teaching vulnerable children from
an early age through school curricula and television programs that the
presence of Jews is an unforgivable assault on the rights of the
Palestinians, whose duty it is to kill Jews, that being the language
that Jews understand -- violence, hatred and murder. And so the
aggression he speaks of emanates not from Israel, which is forced to
defend itself from the vile murderous attacks of those taught to hate as
a sacred duty, but from the Palestinians, both Fatah in the West Bank
and Hamas governing Gaza.
Garneau doubtless made an effort, as an honourable man, and a diplomat,
to be as courteous and non-offensive as possible toward the two
entities he visited; Israel and the Palestinians, but the violent hatred
from the latter toward the former is undeniable, and observable in the
acts committed on an almost daily basis, from casual lethal knifings of
innocent Jewish civilians to rocket barrages shot from Gaza into Israel,
many of which misfire falling back into Gaza and find Palestinian
victims perishing in the fall-back.
after time over a period of 70 years, Israel has attempted to mollify
and reach agreements with the Palestinians, with all attempts abysmally
failing, even on those occasions when Palestinian 'negotiators' made
impossible demands, many of which were finally agreed to by Israeli
negotiators. From the very time that the United Nations agreed on a
partition plan for the principles, Jews and Arabs, the Palestinians
rejected the offer of their sovereign territory, while the Jews embraced
an Israel reborn.
mourn the loss of what they never had. Jews living in Muslim countries,
from Iraq and Syria to Egypt and Morocco, Algeria to Tunisia, were
forcefully exiled, their goods and properties absorbed by the state when
Israel established itself. An estimated 600,000 Palestinians bemoan
their lost paradise in Israel, while an estimated 800,000 Jews found
themselves homeless, thrown out of their Arab, Muslim homelands, and
refound themselves in Israel. No Middle East Arab country absorbed any
of the Palestinians who fled Israel as citizens, with the exception of
while Arab countries are virtually Judenrein, twenty percent of the
population of Israel is non-Jewish, Palestinian Arabs numbering over one
and a half million Israeli civilians. Many of whom are loyal to Israel,
while many are not. Among Palestinian Arab Israeli citizens there are
members of Israeli police, military, judiciary, medical community,
scientists, academia, and elected members of the Knesset.
need no advice from a Canadian emissary, however well-intentioned he is
himself, on how to proceed, faced with a neighbour that chooses
violence, reprisals, hatred, unending threats, slanderous attacks on the
world stage in an effort to destroy the presence of a Jewish state they
want dismantled. The funding received from the world community to
support the Palestinians has been spirited away by its leaders, it has
been expended in efforts to destroy a neighbour, while the time and
energy this has all taken, distract from the vital need to build a
decent community with proper infrastructure, employment and full advance
of a democratic country offering opportunities to all its inhabitants.
the Palestinian elite choose to pay 'salaries' to those among them who
have terrorized, threatened and murdered Jews. Paid to support the
families of those who have died as 'martyrs' by slaughtering innocent
civilians in mass murder events. Named streets, squares, public
structures, schools and social centres in memory of those who succeeded
in the mass slaughter of Jews. And who speak of Jews as their oppressors
who commit human rights offences against the poor innocent Palestinians
victims of Jewish self-defence.
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On 7 June 1939, 907 Jewish refugees aboard the MS St. Louis were denied entry to Canada. The ship returned its passengers to safe harbour in four European countries. Sadly, 254 of its passengers later perished in the Holocaust. |
Labels: Agreements, Canada, Conflict Diplomacy, Israel, Palestinian Authority
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