Tuesday, September 06, 2022

Britain's Problem with Grooming Girls for Trafficking

"They have effectively been nabbing British children and trafficking them across the Syrian border for delivery to ISIS all in the name of intelligence gathering."
"Britain has lauded ts efforts to stop ISIS and the grooming of our children by sending millions of pounds on the Prevent program and online monitoring. However, at the very same time we have been cooperating with a western ally, trading sensitive intelligence with them [while they worked with Mohammed Al Rashed, claiming to spy for Canada]."
"The calculation here is that the lives of British children, and the risk of their death, is part of the algorithm of acceptable risk that our Western allies have taken."
Tasnime Akunjee, lawyer for Shamima Begum, ISIS 'bride'

"He organized the entire trip from Turkey to Syria ... I don't think anyone would have been able to make it to Syria without the help of smugglers."
"He had helped a lot of people come in ... We were just doing everything he was telling us to do because he knew everything we didn't know anything."
Shamima Begum, former British citizen, ISIS supporter
Shamima Begum made worldwide headlines when, at 15, she left the U.K. with two teenage friends to join ISIS. (Alba Sotorra/Sky Documentaries)
"There is absolutely no doubt that the Canadians worked on this and also it brings into question ... about what role Britain played."
"The only way to get to the bottom of this is to have an enquiry [with access to CSIS documents]."
"For seven years now, this has been covered up by the Canadians. I think the coverup is worse than the offence in many ways here because you would expect human intelligence agencies to recruit members of criminal groups and terrorist groups."
Richard Kerbaj, author The Secret History of the Five Eyes
What?! Canada whete the progressive government remains a trusted member of the Five Eyes intelligence group comprised of Britain, the U.S. Australia, New Zealand and Canada, dedicated to fighting terrorism and promising justice and peace will prevail, has had a hand in child smuggling to provide 'wives' from the U.K. to the Islamic State group? Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, the self-celebrated 'feminist' involved in pimping young girls for terrorist consumption?

The connections as d tailed by the former security beat reporter for the British Sunday Times from 2010 to 2020 evidently has the evidence required to make those explosive charges. Mind, Canada is accused of being complicit in a tangential way of uniting three determined British Muslim schoolgirls with their self-chosen destination of wifely duties to a brave new cohort of Islamist terrorists in the belief that the brave new world Islamic State's caliphate was creating should include them, as passionate believers.

The book, highlighting western intelligence agencies' intelligence connections contends that even while British police were on the search for three schoolgirls who surreptitiously abandoned their homes in London in 2015 in favour of travelling to Syria to be united with ISIS terrorists, Canadian diplomatic officials and intelligence officers failed to inform Britain what they knew of the girls' location, much less how they happened to arrive there. Further, once the information was divulged to Britain, both countries dedicated themselves to a coverup.

Shamima Begum, languishing in a Kurdish operated detention camp in Syria's Kurdistan was 15 when she absconded to unite with Islamic State warriors as a willing bride. She has fought for years to be returned to Britain, causing British authorities to respond by withdrawing her citizenship and with that move, her compassionate welcome back to Britain. With Begum when she left Britain were two other girls, Amira Abase, 14, and Kadiza Sultana, 16, all three schoolmates.
(Left to right) Kadiza Sultana, 16, Shamima Begum, 15, and 15-year-old Amira Abase go through security at Gatwick airport before catching a flight to Turkey on Feb 17, 2015. (Metropolitan Police/The Associated Press)
Begum claims to be a victim of human trafficking; her defence against any charges that she intended to join ISIS; rather than that the last segment of her trip having been facilitated by a helpful Syrian man who knew the ropes and was eager to accommodate the girls' agenda. In turn, that man, a Syrian dentist who fled the civil war and made contact with Canada's spy agency as a potential humint ally, was meant to convey information to CSIS about Canadians who entered Syria to fight with ISIS; definitely not to escort schoolchildren into Syria to join the terrorist group.

According to the former reporter, author of the book with this explosive, albeit not new revelations, Canada's role in the situation has been well documented. Prime Minister Trudeau when confronted had a response, as he generally does: "The fight against terrorism requires our intelligence services to continue to be flexible and to be creative in their approaches, but every step of the way, they are bound by strict rules, by principles and values that Canadians hold dear ... and we expect that those rules be followed.

"I know there are questions about certain incidents or operations of the past and we will ensure to follow up on this", he concluded. "Rigorous oversight mechanisms" monitor CSIS operations, but he would consider, if required, "further steps". No other Canadian ministerial officials had any comments; not the public safety minister nor the department of public safety, much less Canada's foreign affairs department. All recommended further questions be addressed to the Canadian Security Intelligence Service (CSIS).
Shamima Begum and her two teenage friends were smuggled into Syria by a spy working for Canada - before Justin Trudeau's nation then then conspired with the UK to cover up its role, a new book claims
As for London's Metropolitan police; sensitivity prevented public discussion: "We do not comment on matters relating to intelligence", confided Met spokesman Matthew Russell. Mohammed Rashed, the man behind the smuggling of girls into Syria claims, received focus in 2015 following the disappearance of the three schoolgirls who left their homes to fly to Turkey for the purpose of joining the Islamic State. There, they happened to meet Rashed.

Who helped them enter ISIS controlled territory. For which gesture Turkish police arrested him shortly afterward. Leaving Turkish media to report on Turkish intelligence leaks in 2015, that Rashed carried documents, photos and videos revealing his actions, one video taken by Rashed with a hidden camera showing him escorting the missing British girls near the border between Turkey and Syria. Turkish intelligence was apprised by Rashed while in custody that when he sought asylum in Canada in 2013 he was offered citizenship in exchange for information on ISIS.

Thereafter he worked for CSIS, passing information through the Canadian embassy in Jordan. Rashed claimed during interrogation that he was paid by Canada to investigate the flow of foreign fighters to Islamic State battlegrounds. Rashed. according to The Secret History of the Five Eyes author, sent passport information, luggage details, photos and other information to Canada. Details on Begum and her friends included.

It should perhaps be noted that Britain has a problem with young girls being groomed for prostitution in Britain. For years Pakistani gangs have recruited and groomed young girls to be passed around as sex objects. Neither the British government nor the British press appears to have been much impressed that this has been occurring although it has been well known for many years and not much to help these impoverished and vulnerable girls appears to have been done. The girls sacrificed for fear of being labelled 'racist' in holding Pakistani gangs to account.

Grooming gangs: the making of a national scandal
Rotherham, a large market town in South Yorkshire, is at the heart of the grooming-gangs scandal. In 2012, The Times revealed that a confidential 2010 police report had warned that vast numbers of children were being sexually exploited in South Yorkshire each year by organised networks of men ‘largely of Pakistani heritage’.  Spiked


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