Sunday, May 12, 2024

The Green Prince Speaks

"It's pure evil that we're witnessing."
"[Hamas] isn't just a threat against Israel or the Jewish people, it's a threat against all civilization." 
"If we don't stop them, bury them in the canals that they have dug themselves, it is going to be a disaster for mankind."
"Anyone ... here in the West that has given Hamas legitimacy as a resistance movement [and] given them political cover [by] making excuses is complicit in Hamas's crimes."
"We're supposed to teach our students ... how to become doctors, lawyers. Create stuff. And now we have a crowd of losers, I don't know where they came from."
"They want to build another Gaza in the heart of [campus]. Why are we witnessing masked people on campus?"
Mosab Hassan Yousef
His motto, if he had one could very well be: 'Been there, Done that". He knows Palestinian society from the inside out. He knows the terror group Hamas intimately. His father, Sheikh Hassan Yousef, after all, was a co-founder of the militant Islamist terrorist group whose founding principle of existence is to succeed in destroying the State of Israel. Mosab HassanYousef, Sheikh Yousef's eldest son was raised in the milieu that for generations has taught their children to hate Jews and to aspire to become terrorists/martyrs in support of the cause of ripping Israel and its citizens from their ancestral soil, so that Palestinians can pursue their goal of transforming the entire area -- from the Jordan River to the Mediterranean Sea -- to a Palestinian state. 

Known variously as the "Son of Hamas" and "The Green Prince", Yousef appeared at a community event organized by the Jewish Federation of Greater Vancouver in early May. With that audience, Yousef shared his opinion of the Hamas movement, describing his personal revulsion for their goal as one who had been immersed in their death-cult ideology that simmered and throbbed with hatred of Jews and fury at the creation of the State of Israel on land they insist was consecrated to Islam, defiled by the presence of Jews irrespective of the geography representing ancestral Judaic heritage.

As a child he was meant, in line with heritage and custom, to follow his father's devoted development of a committed terrorist group with a specific purpose to be carried through to final fruition. In the process of which no other issue aside from the annihilation of Israel and its Jewish residents would distract them from the vital importance of the task that lay ahead; death by a thousand cuts if need be. As for the welfare of ordinary Palestinians, citizens of Gaza, which Hamas rules as a government, relying on UNRWA to deliver civic welfare and critical institutional infrastructure to leave them free to focus on deadly attacks, that is their reality.

As a young adult Yousef was also introduced to Israel in a most personal way; that of a detainee in an Israeli prison. Where he witnessed prisoners affiliated with Hamas torture and kill fellow inmates, a shocking revelation that ushered his mind toward questioning the group's leadership that focused on delivering death to the hated, rather than succoring and caring for the Palestinians living under their administration. "This is when I asked myself the question, what if Hamas becomes the governing authority at some point? Will they [continue] to kill our people like this?"

Ultimately his disappointment in his father's Islamist group and his questing mind took him toward Israel's internal security service, the Shin Bet, for whom in the late 1990s and 2000s he operated as a double agent, able to use his familial links as an inside opportunity to penetrate the elite administrative levels of Hamas, to report back to the Shin Bet. "I was supposed to just continue my 'friendly' relationship with monsters ... who wanted the children to die on a regular basis only to become wealthy. And only for power."

In his 2010 autobiography, Son of Hamas, Yousef wrote of his defection to Israel and espionage work. Suheib, his youngest brother joined him in publicly rejecting the Islamist terror movement co-founded by their father. More latterly, he speaks of seeing masks being worn on campuses by those who celebrate themselves as 'pro-Palestinian' stalwarts protesting against Israel's invasion of Gaza, villainizing the Jewish State as well as Jews anywhere and everywhere. "Masked men would come to our school and say, 'leave, go to the checkpoints, throw stones on Israel'. And we did not go to school during the first intefadeh for three years ... This is why I'm outraged to say I don't want to see this here in [North America]. First they target education. This is the beginning of chaos."
"Going into Rafah is necessary and it's the best option Israel has. [Attempting to eliminate the Hamas leadership pinned down in Gaza's southernmost city] from a distance [would only extend the war]."
"We [must] go into Rafah and, first of all, rescue the hostages -- they are in Rafah. Second, destroy the smuggling tunnels between Rafah and Egypt -- then capture fleeing Hamas forces."
"Eradicating Hamas's ideology is a different story; it will take lots of time."
"It would be like [after] all the atrocities of this war [to accede to international calls to cancel or scale back the Rafah offensive] and we still give Hamas the opportunity to repeat what they did [n October 7] again and again."
"We cannot afford to have Hamas stay in power."
Mosab Hassan Yousef,c_limit,f_webp,q_auto:good,fl_progressive:steep/
Photo: Mosab Hassan Yousef Instagram



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