Sunday, June 30, 2024

Actions and Demands and Law-Breaking have Consequences

"It's past time they're shut down."
"We hope this is a strong message for the other encampments on campuses across the country."
"Too often we've seen antisemitic harassment, discrimination, and hateful speech and actions connected with many of these encampments."
Centre for Israel and Jewish Affairs (CIJA) 
"Unfortunately the encampment remains in place in violation of Waterloo policies and the law."
 "We have said repeatedly, the right to protest does not mean people have the right to endlessly occupy a shared university space"
"The behaviour of encampment members has crossed the line to intimidation and harassment, making their ongoing presence untenable."
Vivek Goel, University of Waterloo president

"[It is] incredibly shameful [that the university administration decided] to sue their own student body that's protesting the university's complicity in a genocide that's almost nine months in and has claimed the lives of over 40,000".
"We remain undeterred and committed to our cause and people. History will absolve us. But you admin, how will you be remembered?"
Occupy UWaterloo statement
Photo by Ryan Remiorz /The Canadian Press

In its recently announced lawsuit against the group Occupy UWaterloo, the University of Waterloo is suing anti-Israel encampment protesters for $1.5 million in damages. According to a social media post by Occupy UWaterloo, the lawsuit brought against them is "incredibly shameful". They claim to be lawfully exercising their right to free expression. Even if it revolves around slandering the Jewish state, expressing their antisemitic sentiments, harassing Jewish students and faculty professors in the process, in their entitlement as protesters.

"History will absolve us" their post @Occupy UW states with complete assurance. The  university, on the other hand, wants its main campus back. Claiming that the protesters have occupied the university's private property illegally, beginning on May 13, reflecting a court document published on the university's website. The damages of $1,500 million is slated to represent trespass, damage to property, intimidation and ejectment.
Seven Occupy UWaterloo members are named in the lawsuit, citing their involvement in establishing an "indefinite encampment" adjacent to the Graduate House on the main campus of the University of Waterloo. Occupy UWaterloo is being requested by the university to remove encampment materials, including obstructions that have been erected, and to "remediate" the property to its original condition at the time of the encampment establishment. 
Related issues included in the document are demands that members of the encampment are not to rebuild, and must agree to refrain from University Senate interference, including the board of governors and all activities related to teaching. Conditions are outlined in the document for the Waterloo Regional Police, and the Ontario Provincial Police, inclusive of any police service tasked with removing the encampment and arresting the participants.

A trespass notice was issued by the university on June 21. It was disseminated both in person and online to all participants in the encampment. According to the document, it was subsequently rejected. Ahmad Kamal, named as one of the defendants in the lawsuit, wrote "Again: I ain't reading all that. Free Palestine", on the posted trespass notice where it appeared on the encampment wall.

Encampment leaders had called on the university to divest from companies appearing on the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions list. They also demanded an "academic and cultural boycott" of Israeli Companies and universities, demands which were published in the Waterloo Region Record
These 'human rights' supporting students feel complete entitlement, vindicating their mission while rejecting claims by the university. It is Israel, and Israel alone responsible for the death of Palestinians in Gaza, not the Gaza Hamas leaders that brought death and destruction to Israel, compelling it to embark on a mission to destroy the group whose purpose is its extermination and that of Jews everywhere...,1719604209833/full/max/0/default.jpg?im=Crop%2Crect%3D%280%2C377%2C4031%2C2267%29%3BResize%3D%28620%29
The University of Waterloo and the members of a pro-Palestinian encampment on the campus are set to enter mediation talks. The members of the Occupy UWaterloo group held a press conference on Friday to share their reactions to being sued by the university for $1.5 million in collective damages. CBC


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