Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Excoriating Israel for Genocidal Intent


"Since we can't hope for anything morally courageous from most of the faculty, the best hope we have is to seek to defund the universities, to call for the resignation of their weak-kneed presidents, and to fix the broken hiring system in which a single ideology [and not merit] determines who is in and who is out."
"We must find a better way forward, and not just on campus. As the pro-Hamas fores make blatant use of Jew-hatred, they are testing how far they can go in upending our liberal values."
"If we don't stop them now, this will only be the start of a forced march on the road to much, much worse."
"All of this has its source in an ideology that has gripped the minds of the vast majority of university professors, a neo-Marxist ideology that despises the values of liberal democratic society on which our freedoms are based." 
"We now have a choice. Do we allow the pro-Hamas mobs to take over our campuses? It is painful to observe the students in the encampments serving as 'useful idiots', to see the faculty largely become deluded supporters deceived by an ideology; and to discover that the administrators are weak appeasers. This is clear in their pathetic attempts to 'negotiate' with the campus occupiers by bribing them with faculty positions and student scholarships."
Kenneth Green, professor, Department for the Study of Religion, University of Toronto
Pro-Hamas Encampment, University of Toronto, Globe & Mail

The new 'normal' that has arisen since October 7's Hamas atrocities in southern Israel is one that constitutes a nightmare for Jews in the diaspora where throughout Europe and North America, a tidal wave of antisemitism has surfaced that, in its bold authenticity has shocked and terrorized Jews everywhere. World Jewry since the Second World War sought comfort in the belief that their enormous sacrifice on the altar of Jew-hate would never, ever recur.
The world, in the face of the open secret of the death camps, the gas chambers and the ovens that incinerated Jewish corpses to ashes filtered through those giant belching chimneys to sprinkle human ash like fertilizer over the agricultural fields of Europe chose to do nothing, to remain oblivious to the death throes of European Jewry. A chastened world, shocked by the visual evidence of what they knew was occurring, offered a palliative in the UN's decision to permit a re-awakened State of Israel.

Now that same world has turned upon the Jewish State, repeating what a terrorist group has disseminated, that Israel is committing genocide against Palestinians. Those Arab communities who named themselves Palestinians, the ancient Roman Occupation word to describe Judean lands administered by Rome, and whose agenda was to claim heritage Palestinian designation as a legitimate Arab-Palestinian state where Israel sits.

It is a narrative that has no basis in reality, one which documented history, ascribing ancestral heritage to Jews who originated in the Middle East as the authentic indigenous people of the region validates. Yet by identifying themselves as victims of Jewish aggression, while in actuality acting out as terrorists whose goal is to embark on never-ending deadly assaults against Jews and Israel, claiming them as oppressors and themselves as beleaguered threatened people of peace, the Western world's progressive left has taken up their cudgel to beat Israel.

Their appeal to the professional and trade unions of the West, eagerly grasping the narrative of 'occupier', 'settlers' and 'indigenous people', the struggle of the underdog against the capitalist threat of the 'colonialists' has led to the snarling references to Israeli 'genocide' against a powerless people deprived of their birthright, ventilating fullblown antisemitism under the canopy of human rights being defiled by a greedy colonialist entity depriving Palestinians of what is rightfully theirs.
Palestinian terrorists crossing the fence separating Khan Younis in the southern Gaza Strip from surrounding Israeli settlements on October 7, 2023. (Photo by Stringer/APA Images)

And so, there are school encampments throughout the West, demands that universities condemn the Israeli genocidaires, that academic cooperation with Israel be cancelled, that investments and collaboration be cancelled in the name of upholding human rights. The October 7 atrocities interpreted as a just and admirably courageous assertion of the Palestinian right of self-defence, not the sadistic savagery for which there is abundant visual evidence recorded by the Hamas murderers themselves. 

Despite that Palestinian terrorists in their thousands swarmed across the border from Gaza into southern Israel in a well-planned and -orchestrated bloodbath of dreadful proportions, accompanied by mass rapes, the murder of infants and children, burning alive of entire families in their torched homes, the deliberately exacting mutilation of girls and women before their execution after rapes, are all justified as the uprising of a people dominated by a military that refuses them a state of their own.

That would be the state that Palestinian leaders rejected in 1948 and consistently thereafter every time an attempt at negotiations took place between Israel and the Palestinians. Who, while piteously declaring to the West that all they want is their fair share in a two-state 'solution', continue to plan their brutal attacks on Israel and its people to achieve the real agenda of clearing the region of the Jewish State to declare it forthwith a sole Palestinian State.

Whereas Israel has given citizenship and equality to Palestinians within Israel representing 20 percent of its population, the Palestinian leadership, both the Palestinian Authority in the West Bank and Hamas governing Gaza, have made it clear that not one Jew would remain alive in the Palestinian Territories. And it is to these antagonists of Israel to whom the West gives their unalloyed support while giving wan lip service to the right of Israel's existence as a sovereign state.
An elderly Palestinian man raises a national flag as youths shout slogans during a protest in the southern Gaza Strip. (AFP)

A terrorist group that has committed its version of a genocidal effort to complete what the Holocaust started can characterize Israel as a genocidal state planning to eliminate Palestinians in their entirety, and that assertion is accepted and echoed by Western academics both of Palestinian/Arab/Muslim derivation and non-Arab, Marxist-inspired faculty at universities, upholding the free speech entitlements of non-student organizers and university students to hold a school in ransom to their negative-Israel demands. 

Academics, Jewish and non-Jewish risk being labelled as 'Islamophobic' and 'racist' by asserting the right of Israel to exist, by declaring Palestinian terrorist groups be recognized for what they are, by demanding the disassembling of the university campus encampments with their antisemitic themes, threats and verbal and physical intimidation against any and all who fail to agree with their messaging. That government at any level, and school administrators are too cowardly or in agreement with the pro-Hamas protests to shut them down, is a condemnation of those who have abandoned the democratic values of their own heritage and culture.

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