Saturday, June 01, 2024

And Now, For Jewish Life In Canada....


"The core thing that we have continued to call for is an end to hatred and intolerance in Canada, whether it be antisemitism or Islamophobia."
"We are seeing that events overseas that are devastating and incredibly difficult to watch should not be spilling over into Canadians hating on other Canadians. We are all united in our strength and diversity and our desire for a better country in a better world."
'I'm of course, relieved that no one was hurt [when a Jewish parochial school in Montreal was shot at]. I'm disgusted by these vile and despicable acts of antisemitism. It needs to stop now."
"To Jewish parents and students across the country, we stand with you. We will always work to safeguard your right to live proudly Jewish lives in Canada."
"[The federal government working with local law enforcement will use] all available federal resources to ensure that the perpetrators are held to account."
"We cannot and will not let this antisemitism stand in Canada."
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau
Here is a man with the political and moral authority to put a stop to the ongoing rancid threats against the well-being of the Jewish community in Canada and he has, to date, over months of illegal, law-breaking 'pro-Hamas-protests' -- occasionally chided the crowds of masked, keffiyeh-clad Palestinians, Muslim citizens of Canada and their racist-embracing colleagues who identify the treasured victimhood-state of Palestinians by blocking access to public roads, protesting and blocking entry to municipal offices, hospitals, shopping centres with their loud accusations against Israel and posters recommending its demise while shouting choruses of 'Intifada now!' and 'From the river to the sea', along with 'Final Solution' -- done exactly nothing to put a stop to it all.

Police services perform the barest necessity of upholding law and order, even when an effigy of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is hung at a university campus occupation. Jews are told to 'go back to Europe', that they have no place in 'Palestine' and, for that matter, Canada too. The authorities tsch-tsch and deplore the sturm und drang but fail to authorize police forces to make appropriate arrests and lay charges for threatening, violent behavior. We are informed that investigations are underway, that due process must be followed, and nothing interrupts the university encampments and the protestors' sense of entitlement to refuse entry to Jewish students and faculty.

So, on the clear evidence, Canada under this prime minister has not at all seen the safeguarding of a Jewish right to live proudly in Canada. And although he declares the tumult, the threats and the violent antisemitism 'must stop' he does nothing whatever toward achieving that end. Most infuriatingly, whenever he speaks of antisemitism, it is prefaced by references to 'islamophobia'. That, when the reality is that Muslims are at the forefront of the drive to threaten Jewish life in Canada, leading the marches, spewing and spouting slanderous lies in support of their claims of genocide against 'Palestinians'.
"Folks, let's cut to the chase here. What lunatic goes around shooting up schools? That is just unacceptable. Imagine that, imagine a little kid in a school because they're from the Jewish faith, someone goes by and starts shooting through the school windows?"
"These guys need to be caught. They need to be punished. they need to be thrown in jail, and I'll tell you we have zero tolerance for this anywhere in Ontario."
"Ontario] will throw every single resource of increased funding for the police [and has committed to] thousands of dollars given to [protect] places of worship."
"Don't come to Canada if you're going to start terrorizing neighbourhoods like this. Simple as that. You want to come to Canada? You want to be a resident of Ontario? You get along with everyone. I don't care what background, what religion, what race you come from."
"We have 110 nationalities here in Ontario, 200 languages being spoken, and guess what? Ninety-nine percent of the people get along. There are wars going on all around the world. But we still get along."
Enough is enough. I've just had it up to here."
"People outside those communities, they've had it too. They aren't used to this happening here in Ontario. I'm done with this stuff."
Ontario Premier Doug Ford!/cpImage/httpImage/image.jpg_gen/derivatives/16x9_780/doug-ford-vaccine-production.jpg
Ontario Premier Doug Ford (centre) delivers remarks while flanked by Prime Minister Justin Trudeau (left) and Toronto Mayor Olivia Chow, during a news conference in Toronto on May 30, 2024. (Arlyn McAdorey/The Canadian Press)
Finally, an honest admission of the crux of the problem; the presence through immigration, refugee intake, illegal migration, of Palestinians, of Syrians, of Muslims from the Middle East and North Africa who have come to Canada to find a better life for themselves than they might envision had they remained in their countries of birth where antisemitism is inherent in their heritage, culture and ventilated as a remedy for their frustration over conditions of life that have absolutely zero reliance on the presence of Jews. 
Justin Trudeau, who has just had members of  his cabinet verify his government's plan to invite thousands more Palestinians from Gaza to join their family members already in Canada as a humanitarian gesture to remove them from the potential line of fire with the Israeli military fighting an existential war with their Gaza government terrorist rulers has chosen to add to the razor-thin sense of security forced on Canada's Jewish population by the venom of Palestinians already in residence in the country where Muslim numbers vastly outpace those of the Jewish population who have had a presence in Canada for  hundreds of  years.

Toronto Mayor Olivia Chow who deliberately missed attending diplomatic ceremonies marking Israel's Independence Day, remarking something to the effect that it was too controversial and had the potential to stir problems from within the wider community which is to say the Muslim component of the Toronto area's large Islamic demographic, said the city has been taking part in "safety walks" collaborating with police, local councillors and some communities. Those 'safety walks' have been imposed on the Jewish community to walk with Jewish children to ensure their safe arrival at school.

That given the toxic atmosphere prevailing since October 7 when Islamist, Hamas-supporting groups began organizing new boycotts and ongoing marches and public protests ending up before the Israeli consulate, in front of Mount Sinai Hospital, in front of Jewish community centres, on bridges leading to Jewish-majority enclaves, some places of worship or schools (read Jewish in both instances) might wish to consider putting in place shatterproof glass, fencing or new lighting as additional protective measures. The question is, why should they even be placed in such a security-compromised position?

To which suggestion, Premier Ford, to his credit responded: "We have to have this in Ontario schools, like where have we gone? Again, we're all just fed up with this nonsense. I'll tell you that. It shouldn't have to be that way." Yes, of course, it should not. Jews should not be forced by sources from within the very city where they have always lived, to feel threatened, worried about the welfare of their children, concerned over whether Jews still can consider Toronto, Ottawa, Halifax, Vancouver, Calgary, safe places to live and raise their families of loyal Canadians. 
Now, watch as Premier Ford is crucified by the legacy press, by unions, by the Muslim community...
"The number of antisemitic incidents in Canada more than doubled in 2023 compared with the year prior, according to an annual audit performed by Jewish human rights group B’nai Brith Canada released in May."
"In the audit, the group logged 5,791 incidents that meet the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance definition of antisemitism. That represented a 109 per cent increase over 2022, when there were 2,769 incidents."
"The bulk of the reported incidents — 4,847 — took place online in the form of harassment. For offline incidents, B’nai Brith said it tracked 77 reports of physical violence compared with 25 the year prior."
"In-person harassment and vandalism – ranging from instances of graffiti to arson – all saw increases over 2022 at 405 and 462 incidents reported, respectively."
Global News

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