Sunday, August 04, 2024

Defence of Ukraine Against Russia/Israel Against Islamist Terrorists

"The reality is that it’s a very complex issue and of course complex opinions will emerge about these issues. The conclusion I came to was that most Canadians still have shared values when it comes to compassion and empathy."
"Canadians do have compassion for both sides and are aware of the complexity of the conflict."
Quito Maggi, president, CEO, Mainstreet Research
"I think people are truly torn."
"[ People may be thinking]: I just don't know what the right answer is here."
Andrew Enns, Leger vice-president
Results of a new Postmedia-Leger poll indicate that while Israel is forced to defend itself against violence from Hamas and Hezbollah, a clear majority of Canadians are not inclined to empathize with the Jewish State against sovereignty-violating attacks by terrorist groups. Terrorist groups, furthermore, that are officially recognized as that by the government of Canada itself. At the same time, a majority of Canadians feel it vital to support democratic allies against belligerents, in that Ukraine has broad support in its defence against Russia.

Canadians queried in the poll were asked about their support level in relation to various global conflicts with undemocratic countries. 76 percent of those asked responded their belief of the importance for Canada to align with and support allies like the United States and Europe against threats emanating from China, Iran, Russia and North Korea; leaving 11 percent who said the subject was of no importance to them. 

Of the 1,601 respondents surveyed, roughly 71 percent said they are in support of Canada and its allies standing with Ukraine defending itself against the Russian invasion launched in early 2022 by Russian President Vladimir Putin. 13 percent claimed to be opposed to Canada supporting Ukraine against Russia. Prime Minister Justin Trudeau committed Canada to financing $3 billion in military and other modes of support for Ukraine's war efforts, following millions pledged for weapons and other humanitarian aid.

Where Israel was concerned in its existential conflict against Iran, Hezbollah, Hamas, the Youthis and Iran's Syrian-located Shiite militias targeting Israel, Justin Trudeau's Canada in contrast to its support for Ukraine and condemnation of Russia, questions Israel's right of self-defence to the extent that orders were given to deny Israel's military any Canadian-sourced military weapons, much less non-combat military materiel, in its prosecution of the war in Gaza against the terrorists sworn to destroy the Jewish state.

According to Leger vice-president Andrew Enns, when overall results of the latest poll are broken down by voting intentions an "interesting streak" was revealed among Conservative supporters, with 15 percent feeling it is not important for Canada and allies to be against aggression undemocratic countries pose toward others. 41 percent of respondents to the poll would vote Conservative if an election were held, in comparison to 23 percent who would vote Liberal.

The survey results suggest a majority of Canadians agree with Canada's support of Ukraine, while revealing that only 47 percent of respondents feel the same for Canada standing with Israel as it defends itself from attacks by Hamas, Hezbollah and the Houthis. 28 percent opposed Canada's supporting Israel, even as 25 percent commented they didn't know. This, though it is well known that Hamas terrorists flooded into Israel from its southern border with Gaza killing 1,200 Israeli civilians, with over 200 taken hostage.

Respecting other conflicts, poll results show that 65 percent of respondents support Canada standing alongside South Korea's defence against threats from North Korea, while 13 percent were opposed. Of those asked, another 62 percent were in agreement with Canada's support of Taiwan defending its sovereignty against China's threats, compared to 13 percent disagreeing.


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