Sunday, August 18, 2024

Humanity's Dregs Infiltrate Canada's Immigration System

"Who knew what, when and how? I hope to be able to provide answers and in a relatively short timeline about what happened."
"I’m just disgusted as any Canadian, but I have a responsibility to get to the bottom of it, and I will."
"Again, I think Canadians deserve answers. I’m going to get to the bottom of it."
"I’m also going to take the next step, which is to start the preliminary work, with the evidence at hand, to look at whether the individual in question’s citizenship should be revoked."
Immigration Minister Marc Miller,1723596038308/full/max/0/default.jpg?im=Crop%2Crect%3D%280%2C0%2C1919%2C1079%29%3BResize%3D%28620%29
| MPs unanimously voted in favour of an investigation into how Ahmed and Mostafa Eldidi — a father and son accused of plotting a terrorist attack in Toronto — got into Canada. Especially in light of a graphic ISIS video allegedly linked to the father from years earlier. CBC

Canada is no stranger to the presence of war criminals in its society. Federal intelligence agencies have never in the past strained to identify emigrants from abroad whose human rights abuses ranked with those who stood trial, post-World War II, at Nuremberg. Canada, in fact, was known to have absorbed Nazis who -- though their acts of inhumanity, their relationships to the Third Reich and to its pet project history knows as the Holocaust -- were enabled to live peaceful lives as 'good citizens', respected by their neighbours -- who were aghast when eventually lobbying forced the government to bring action against a few, deporting them to Germany to stand trial there for crimes against humanity.
On July 31, the RCMP announced a number of terrorism charges laid against a father-and-son pair of Islamist jihadid whom they had arrested in a hotel room in Richmond Hill, just north of Toronto. Which led parliamentarians to demand that a probe be launched into how it was possible that 62-year-old Ahmed Eldidi, and 26-year-old Mostafa Eldidi entered Canada without detection of their Islamic State connections.,1723644777380/full/max/0/default.jpg?im=Crop%2Crect%3D%280%2C0%2C1919%2C1079%29%3BResize%3D%28620%29
Immigration Minister Marc Miller says he wants to know 'who knew what, when and how' in regards to the granting of citizenship to a man with ties to ISIS now facing terrorism charges.  CBC

The duo was arrested, according to the national police force, while they were on the cusp of mounting a violent attack of a terrorist nature in Toronto. Details were issued sparingly in this ongoing investigation. It was revealed they had a machete and an axe with them. The father, 62-year-old Eldidi was charged with aggravated assault, reflecting an 'incident' that took place elsewhere in 2015 in service to the Islamic State. A service that was captured in a video, revealing the man dismembering an ISIS captive, lying inert on a floor.

And while the elder of the two somehow was able to obtain Canadian citizenship -- hello, Immigration! -- the younger of the two was not a citizen although he lived in Canada. Citing privacy legislation, the federal immigration department has not given leave to the RCMP to divulge any more details. Canada has been rather casual, from the past to the present, in permitting people with questionable backgrounds to enter Canada to live as permanent residents, to take out citizenship. Nothing to be proud of, becoming a sinkhole of other countries' psychopathic discards.

During the prime ministership of Stephen Harper's Conservative government, new legislation strengthened laws governing immigration, to weed out immigrants with criminal backgrounds. The current Liberal government under Justin Trudeau partially campaigned on a promise to revoke those changes, insisting that a "Canadian is a Canadian is a Canadian", so that citizenship could not be readily revoked for those involved in terrorism. Those, for example, living in Canada who went abroad to fight in Syria with ISIS. 

Immigration law always reflected the capacity to revoke citizenship from anyone who lied on their application, (misrepresentation), anyone who evaded revelations of having been complicit in crimes against humanity. A ministerial decision could revoke citizenship and send the holder back to their country of origin. Under the current administration there is a reluctance to do so. There is a history of criminals entering Canada under false claims to claim refugee status to go on to commit crimes in Canada, draw welfare and evade deportation.,1715374868281/full/max/0/default.jpg?im=Crop%2Crect%3D%280%2C0%2C1919%2C1079%29%3BResize%3D%28620%29
Protesters at universities across Canada and the U.S. are demanding an end to Israel’s war against Hamas in Gaza amid a growing humanitarian crisis — and want their schools to divest from companies they say profit from the conflict.  CBC
A government audit a year earlier revealed that close to half of over 7,000 foreign nationals flagged for security concerns took up residence in Canada between 2014 and 2019. Some of which explains the soaring antisemitism and radicalized Islamists roiling Canadian society. Then came the Liberal government's invitation of temporary residence up to three years to 5,000 Palestinians from Gaza. As though Canadians aren't fed up to the teeth with the constant 'pro-Hamas' rallies for 'Palestine' in the wake of the October 7 atrocities in Israel.

A number of American Senators expressed their concerns relating to the Gaza program of the Trudeau government in a letter they sent to Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas, urging him to increase safeguards along the international border with Canada in prevention of Palestinians with terrorist ties from accessing entry to the U.S. What Canada and in extension, all of North America and Europe do not need is an increased presence of Palestinians and their sympathizers increasing the tempo of rabid antisemitism.
An oft-remarked-upon phenomenon whereby the countries of the Middle East will not commit to offering refuge to Palestinians for fear of their reputation as trouble-mongers, sees the West eager to accommodate their presence, as a humanitarian issue. Middle Eastern Arab countries leave it to Israel and the West to live with their Palestinian populations, leaving themselves exempt from the potential of social destabilization that Palestinians are so adept at causing. Canada has thus far absorbed almost a thousand. Ottawa's screening program? What's that?
A demonstrator dressed as Spiderman costume waves a Palestinian flag above the entrance of Mount Sinai Hospital as the rally goes by. Photo: Joshua Best

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