Monday, August 12, 2024

Something's Happening Here -- What It Is is Quite Clear

"It's dangerous for Israel and it may also be dangerous for Canada [growing incidence of anti-Israel extremism in Canada]."
"It's a wake-up call for the international communities that something is happening here."
"Within the international context, it's dangerous."
"The most important and prevalent feeling you'll encounter among any Israeli is that we want to have our hostages back. Everybody is looking for this situation to end."
"Israel wants peace. Israel wants to live in peace with its neighbours."
Iddo Moed, Israeli Ambassador to Canada
"While we are relieved that no innocent lives were lost in this attack, we are deeply shocked that a Canadian citizen would travel to Israel and retraumatize the Neti Ha'asara community already devastated by the twenty lives stolen in Hamas' murderous rampage on October 7."
"This incident highlights the potential consequences of pervasive misinformation and disinformation surrounding Israel's conflict with Hamas -- where Israel is demonized and held solely responsible, and where Hamas has been absolved of responsibility for the impact on Palestinian civilians of the war they started."
"When demonstrations glorify terrorists as martyrs and call for global intifada without condemnation from our political leaders, it sets the stage for tragedies like today's attack in the Israeli town of Netiv Ha'asara."
David Cooper, vice-president of government relations, Centre for Israel and Jewish Affairs
The Canadian passport of terrorist Zachareah Adam Quraishi  IDF

 Netiv Ha'asara in southern Israel is a communal agricultural community, a Kibbutz located in the Negev desert some 6 kilometres south of Tel Aviv. It abuts the northern border of Gaza. During the October 7, 2023 incursion into Israel of thousands of Palestinian terrorists coordinated by Gaza's governing Hamas group, some twenty of its residents were killed. Communities such as this one were swarmed with terror operatives in a well-planned mass atrocity of truly savage proportions. 

On July 22, a young Arab Canadian, born in Canada, who had travelled to Israel on a student visa, arriving the day before the attack at the village, rented a vehicle and drove to the commune. He had parked his vehicle at a compound close to where Israeli guards were stationed. His suspicious behaviour had alerted the guards, and as he left the parked car and ran over to the men on guard, attempted to stab them. He was shot dead before he could consummate his intended carnage.

According to reports from eyewitnesses, he shouted "free Palestine" as he ran toward the Netiv Ha'asara security personnel with a kitchen knife. The attack had been videoed and was released by the Israel Defense forces. Armed guards are shown patrolling the fortified front gate of the community. It showed Quraishi charging the guards before he was shot dead. He had arrived at the town in a white Hyundai rental car.

Since the notorious October 7 attack by Palestinian terrorists orchestrated by Hamas, the Arab Muslim propaganda machine has gone into overdrive with a vengeance, portraying Israel as the aggressor intent on committing genocide against the Palestinians. Throughout the Western world crowds of Muslims claiming to represent the human rights interests of Palestinians, decrying their victimization and oppression by Israel, have organized anti-Israel, pro-Hamas rallies.

They have been joined by fellow travellers, sympathizers of the 'cause' of decrying Israeli occupation of Palestinian territories, along with Canadian antisemites for whom any cause that vilifies Jews is a just one for them to dedicate their time and energies to. They have marched through city streets, closed down highways, set up encampments at colleges and universities to demand divestment from Israeli companies and the enforced isolation of Israeli academics, while generally threatening local Jewish populations.

In most European countries action has been taken, however belatedly, to shut down these hateful displays of social dysfunction, but not in Canada, where ongoing protests continue to shut down bridges and highway overpasses, carrying signs that demonize Israel and lionize Palestinian 'resistance', of which the sadistic savagery of October 7 is a symbol of righteousness over domination of an imperialist nation against a vulnerable population. The inversion of victim and victimizer while distorting reality has become a popular rallying cry against Zionism.

Chants of 'Intifada', 'From the river to the sea', 'final solution' and 'we are all Hamas', are code for the destruction of Israel, a Western democracy seated within a geography of anti-democratic tyranny. These Jew-demonizing, threatening 'protests', illegal in every sense, morally and under criminal law, are permitted to roil the streets and byways of Canadian cities. Criminal acts of bombing synagogues, defacing Jewish social centres, marching threateningly through Jewish neighbourhoods, all illegal under Canadian law, see no government opposition.

The growing radicalization of Muslim-Canadians is palpable and augers a boiling cauldron of antisemitism preparing to explode. Yet no authorities at any level, no police services, no justice system, no religious institution, no corporate interests, no legacy media appear inclined to interrupt this orgy of Jew-hate and bring order and security back to Canadian cities. Jewish institutions continue to be vandalized, rallies and demonstrations continue to be held, without government intervention.
A large Palestinian protest began on Parliament Hill on Saturday, Aug. 10, 2024. Participants marched from the Hill to 50 O’Connor, the building housing the Israeli Embassy, and then proceeded through downtown Ottawa. Photo by Ashley Fraser /POSTMEDIA
"Canada has a history of having foreign fighters -- Canadian citizens go off to distant lands in the Middle East and commit egregious acts of violence."
"We were a country that garnered, and rightfully so international attention during allied operations to counter ISIS, because of how many Canadians have gone off to join the caliphate."
"You have people calling for the erasure of the only Jewish state standing in front of crowds of thousands calling for the death of Zionists -- which is just a code word for Jews -- you have decapitated mannequin heads of Bibi Netanyahu being kicked around like soccer balls in Toronto -- you have synagogues being burned -- you have Jewish day schools being shot at."
"When the overwhelming majority of this goes on without any repercussions, you allow these ideas to take root and become normalized."
Casey Babb, senior fellow, Macdonald-Laurier Institute


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