Chow Time!

Now let' s see. How many do I have to prepare? All right, a few little ones, some medium-sized and a couple big, big and bigger.
All right, just a minute! What's with all that pushing and shoving? Give me a chance, all right? I'm cutting up the veggies as fast as I can.
No, this isn't dinner. This is post-dinner. Treat time. Treats? Well, salad, you know, cut-up vegetables. If they're good for us, they're good for them, too.
And they love getting their salads. Don't have to call them, they come running. Before I even begin the operation. It's hard for you to make them all out, so you'll have to take my word for it. The guy in back, Jordy, weighs about 95 pounds, he's from Iqaluit, a rescue. Left as a three-month-old pup to fend for himself and destined likely to be shot as a nuisance.
You can just make out Tasha, the Australian Shepherd, she's kind of on the left, and she's really easy-going. She spends a lot of time grooming Karman, the little Chihuahua, who loves to snuggle up close into her body, for warmth. That's Stevie, our Sheltie, on the right, with his bushy tail, swinging to the right. Beside him on the left, well, that might be Zoe, the miniature Pomeranian who loves wrestling with Stevie, and everyone else, come to think of it.
Don't know where Abby is, she's part German Shepherd, part Malamute, and given to snarling and barking at strangers, particularly men. She and Zoe are other rescues, thanks to BARK. I trust Abby, she's protective of my daughter, but she scares the hell out of everyone else, with her basic distrust of people.
Can't see tiny Jakie in that mess of fur and legs, but it's not hard for him to escape notice, at only 3 and a half pounds, our little toy Pomeranian. Tibby is likely close by, although not in that photograph; though he's the lone cat in the menagerie (another Human Society rescue) he likes his salads too; he'll eat anything, come to think of it.
When Tibby and Karman take to playing together, wrestling and rolling over one another on the floor, that's some sight. Lots of work, lots of love.
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