Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Islam Clasps a Viper to its Bosom

Truly one of the world's great religions. It has, to say the very least, suffered what the West is inclined to term "bad press" of late. All of which cannot but be hurtfully offensive to most Muslims who, it can not be denied, are decent human beings with a love for their religion and a desire to live in peace and harmony with their neighbours whether of the same faith, or another. You'd just never know it from the news coming out of places as diverse as Iraq, Iran, Saudi Arabia, Afghanistan, Pakistan, and India to name but a few.

It's easy enough for individuals to feel powerless to do anything on their own to stop a juggernaut. In this case a juggernaut of fear and hate, a loathing for the "other", those who don't profess a belief in Islam. Although the Koran does ask Muslims to heed an injunction to live at peace with others not of their own persuasion and it's clear the great majority of Muslims are prepared to do so, even happy and relieved to be able to live at peace with their neighbours, they harbour an element that thinks and behaves otherwise.

So it is that in most Western societies particularly of late Muslim populations may be viewed as a tinderbox of potential pandemonium. We saw some of that pandemonium when Muslims reacted in great numbers, often peacefully, sometimes hysterically and occasionally murderously in protest against a perceived slight to their Prophet. It would seem that although Westerners, their news media and governments were the targets of the outrage, it was Muslims themselves, unaccountably, who died in some numbers during the protests.

Over a billion souls on this earth profess to be practising Muslims. An infinitely smaller number of Muslims use Islam as a pretext through which they practise psychotic aggression against those they term Infidels, unbelievers, those not of the Muslim faith. In fact, though, that pallid excuse is a flimsy cover-up for their self-appointed mission of fundamental rage. The Wahabbists, the Sunnis, the Shi'a of jihadist view and temperament have become a raging pestilence erupting throughout the world at large.

This lunatic group of avengers whose hatred of the West and its predominance in world affairs use the hysterical whip of religion to instill suspicion and anger and hatred among their compatriots against the West and its interests, claiming that the West is responsible for milking the Middle East of its riches in natural resources. There may be more than a little truth in that, but that too is a subterfuge. For the true rage felt in the collective breasts of these pseudo-religious beasts is a rage at the lack of ascendency of Islam throughout the world. Their dedication is to the eventual abasement of other religions concommitant with the rise of Islam as the sole religious power to be recognized world wide.

Ah, and here's the rub: the ordinary Muslim who wishes to live in peace and trust with his/her neighbours is not permitted to do so. Internecine rivalry, sectarian violence is rife throughout the Muslim world. It is not only Infidels who face the rage of the immoderates, but also their fellow Muslims. Sunni targetting Shi'a, old rivalries and claims to legitimacy as the recognized followers of Muhammad. Although those bitter rivalries have existed since the 7th century, they have become particularly acute of late and we observe the most degraded behaviours of human beings against one another, each side believing they represent the true faith, while commiting mass homicide in the name of Allah. The irony of this seems to be lost on Muslims. At best some seem puzzled that Muslims could conceivably behave this way toward one another.

When will the vast ocean of moderate Muslims determine that enough blood has been shed, both between themselves and that visited upon people representing other faiths? It is only when that great silent, confused and frightened majority decide to act as a group on behalf of their God that the viciously determined killers among them can be apprehended and their stark agenda halted.

Moderate Muslims, it's time you took ownership of Islam in the name of Allah.

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