Friday, March 10, 2006

Moral Imperatives

Where to start? Jews are so good at bending over backwards to prove they are unbiased, go to great lengths not to discriminate against others, play by all the rules in the book. We want to be liked. We like to be respected. We feel compelled to behave honourably. We harbour a keen appreciation of what it is like to be victimized. This all-encompassing innate knowledge and urge to continually prove ourselves is etched deeply into our genetic inheritance.

Who defends malefactors, gruesome members of society who stand accused of the most vile anti-social acts? Invariably, it is a Jewish lawyer.

Who takes up the justice cudgel on behalf of Muslims in North America whose loyalties to the countries they have migrated to are suspect because of acts they are purported to have committed? One reads the published names of their lawyers in the press and distinguishes those names as belonging to Jews.

Who was it who historically supported and defended the under dogs of society? Jewish society ladies who, in their salons, invited speakers to rail against the injustices visited upon visible minorities.

Young Jewish men who put their marching feet where their outraged morals were, and followed Dr. Martin Luther King in his efforts to attain equality for his people.

In cities across North America and Europe it is Jewish names we see disproportionately as philanthropists. And why is that? After all the historical record of anti-Semitism repeats ad nauseum that Jews revel in personal wealth, not that they who have are charitable beyond their numbers.

We have bled throughout history. We feel obligated to help the world become better. Perhaps by so doing we make our place in this world personally habitable.

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