Friday, June 29, 2007

So They Have Written

Among many others, well not many exactly, but a representative number. Think Salmon Rushdie and fatwas; oops, Sir...! Think Tarek Fatah and covert threats. Irshad Manji?

How about Oriana Fallaci: "Rome fell not because of its enemies outside; it was destroyed from within." The West had abandoned its principles. She called the complicit elements of the West, the politically correct intellectuals, the leftists, the journalists, "cicadas". That they see tyranny only if it comes from the right.

Ayan Hirsi Ali: "I'm not intimidated by the threats and the attempts to make me shut my mouth, because living in a rich western European country like this one, I have protection that I otherwise would not have in Somalia or in Africa or in any other Islamic country."

The words that come to mind: courageous, intrepid, honest, determined, outraged by what they see about them, the Western world capitulating to the belligerent demands of a religion gone rampantly militaristic through the interpretation of a holy script that became a bloody screed, drenched with the intent to mobilize all the rabidly fanatic discontents in the Muslim world against "outsiders", those of other religions, those labelled infidels and Jews; the West.

For heaven knows they have much to screech their indignant blame and discontent at; the humiliations visited upon the world of Islam through the auspices of Christianity, the Crusaders; Jews and the Holy Bible; Western corporate interests that seek successfully to drain the resource-inheritance of the Middle East through pipelines to the West; the ongoing attempts by Europe and North America to visit insults and degrading edicts against Islam.

And the final insult, for a world body representing the countries of this earth to find common cause in the stealth-removal of a portion of land consecrated to Allah and hand it over to Jews. The Arab world speaks loud and with outraged purpose, and over time their message has been conveyed; that Jews had no place in Islam's Holy Lands. Never mind their presence in the Middle East much pre-dating Islam itself.

She has written, this 74-year-old Jew from Egypt, of her family forced to leave their native Egypt. They represented a minuscule portion of the million Jews living for millennia in Arab lands, Muslim states which tolerated their presence, pre-State of Israel, with certain conditions, but whose presence there became intolerable with the creation of the Jewish State.

Bat Ye'or, (Daughter of the Nile): Gisele Orebi, has written that their numbers were greater than those of the Palestinian refugees, yet the world knows nothing of the outcast Jews, wants to know nothing of them. For after all, while Israel has embraced her own, the Arab world has viewed the presence of their supposedly malodorous brethren distastefully, eschewing the need to integrate them into their own societies.
"Most of Palestine is in Jordan but we do not hear cries for Jordan to return land. This is not about the rights of the Palestinians but about the refusal to accept a non-Muslim state in the region. Palestine has become the fashion of the West; without them understanding the deeper issues of the conflict."
The need to channel internal discontent throughout the Arab world elsewhere than on their own oppressors feeds handily into the turning of their anger outwardly, toward foreign elements, imbuing the general discontent with a theistic purpose, a nationalist rite of passage to the future that awaits their triumphant success.

In 1999, Abdel Sattar Kassam, a professor of political science in the Palestinian city of Nablus, put his name to the "petition of the 20", written to "stand against [Arafat's] tyranny and corruption". For his troubles, he was imprisoned and the world took no notice.

Chairman Arafat, his PLO cronies and his supporters in the wider Arab world embraced the teaching of "martyrdom" to their impressionable youth.

And Yasser Arafat, blessed be his name said: "O Haifa, O Jerusalem, you are returning. We will make life unbearable for Jews by psychological warfare and population explosion. With blood and spirit we will redeem you, Palestine."

So have they written. So it is.

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