Thursday, December 06, 2007

African Solidarity

Here we are again, the imperialist colonizers and the humbled colonized. Oops, history has turned back in upon itself and twisted itself inside out. Now it is the humbled one-time colonizers and the never-mollified colonized. Whatever ills have befallen all the nations in Africa in their independence and self-actualization can be neatly laid at the arrogant feet of her one-time oppressors.

Well, guilt is a heavy load to bear, earned or not, and the compulsion of the guilty seems always to declare mea culpa! and ask forgiveness. After which, forgiven or not, the guilty apply themselves unstintingly to right all the wrongs laid at their doorstep. And so it is with the European Union and the African states; 27 of the former, 53 of the latter. And there are so many wrongs to right.... Not all of which, actually, are the responsibility of the "guilty".

For it is Africa herself that is now responsible for itself. Which is to say, it should be. Given the fact that the 'best before date' for blame and guilt has long been passed. Africa in all her glory and multifaceted tribal histories of savage antagonism still besetting its present-day manifestations as tribal states is herself answerable to her lack of advancement.

But solidarity is the order of the day, and no African state appears willing to admit it is not actively advancing its interests as well as it might on behalf of its citizens, nor are there any singly or collectively eager to criticize any other of its nations whose internal conduct has been less than sterling by any stretch of a hopeful imagination.

The scheduled EU-Africa gathering in Lisbon has once again encountered difficulties. For some obscure reason democratic leaders don't particularly fancy themselves shaking hands in comradely togetherness with tyrannically fanatical murderers. And so it is that Britain's new prime minister, like his predecessor, refuses to attend a meeting at which Robert Mugabe will also be present, as an equal among equals.

It somehow galls, baffles the imagination how an unrepentant megalomaniac-oppressor might have much to discuss in good leadership and national accomplishments with the head of a liberal democracy. Or so, evidently goes the thinking. Actually, it's somewhat deeper than that, in that it might be offensive to one's sense of morality to be in the presence of one such as Zimbabwe's president for life for to do so is as good as condoning his methods and madness.

So, no British attendance, ditto Czech, perhaps Spain; even Portugal, the host country would far prefer Robert Mugabe's presence not soil the attempts by Europe to aid and assist her former colonies reach maturity and responsible governance leading to economic advancement. Zimbabwe's condition is merely the most obvious failure in governance; there is also South Africa, Somalia, Sudan and Ethiopia.

In Zimbabwe, there is 80% unemployment and a staggering 15,000 inflation rate. Zimbabwe is an international basket case, where once it was a cornucopia of agricultural wealth. Fully one-quarter of the population depend on international food aid for survival. Another 25% is infected with HIV/AIDS. Life expectancy is 34 years for women, 37 for men. Down somewhat from its former average of 58 under British rule.

South Africa's HIV/AIDS situation is no better, with its government complicit in its neglect and stupidity in these dire straits. Crime within the country is rampant and growing. Genocide in Sudan is generally accepted; millions of Darfurians left helpless refugees still preyed upon by government-sanctioned janjaweed and their own troops. Somalia and Ethiopia continue their war footing and the threat of jihadist terror is front and centre.

The EU refers to an agenda that would address counter terrorism, illegal immigration, trade, debt relief, climate change and international peacekeeping. Africa is affronted, claiming they will not agree to allow Europe to set the agenda. Doesn't look much like a climate where the groundwork leading to discussions around peace and security and good governance can take pride of place among adversaries purporting to be allies.

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