Monday, January 14, 2008

The Canadian View

Maxime Bernier, Canada's foreign affairs minister, visiting with Prime Minister Ehud Olmert conveyed to him Canada's regard for Israel in which he "expressed Canada's friendship for the State of Israel and Ottawa's support for the Annapolis process". Sounds good. Makes me feel good. Have warmer regards of comfort ever been expressed by a representative of the Canadian government? I am impressed and most appreciative.

As a Canadian, firmly and foremost, and as a Jew, hopeful for the future of the Jewish state. Never personally a Zionist, and indeed, as a child, feeling rather put out that other Canadian Jews were so wrapped up in Zionism, something I could not quite get my enthusiasm around. Surprisingly, given how much I was engrossed with and burdensomely aware of the state of world Jewry during the Second World War.

I remain a Canadian, supportive and proud of my country, Canada. But something deep within me as a Jew is also invested in the future of the State of Israel. That my country now, under its current government, states its support in such terms for the Jewish state, gives me comfort. That Prime Minister Olmert characterizes it as a "disgrace" that Israel has not dismantled all illegal settlements is also grounds to hope for the future.

Mr. Bernier also visited with PA President Mahmoud Abbas and his foreign minister. The purpose of Mr. Bernier's visit there and his talks with PA Foreign Minister Riad Malki was to discuss Canada's pledge of $300-million dollars - brought forward during the Palestinian donors' conference in Paris - representing the fifth-largest pledge among those who agreed to support the Palestinian Authority.

Which, heaven knows, needs financial support, having fizzled away into private bank accounts and other unaccountables hundreds upon hundreds of millions of dollars given it by the world community in support of physical infrastructures required for a nascent state to govern and provide a ray of hope for future normalcy to its millions of dependants.

With each infusion of international funding, the Palestinians appeared to become ever more militantly adverse. And hostile to the potential of finding peace an agreeable option. Here's hoping against ingrained traditions of entitlement without responsibility.

"This funding" said Maxime Bernier, "will help the Palestinians build security, governance and prosperity and help combat hatred and incitement". The process, Mr. Malki, assured Mr. Bernier, would have the highest standards of accountability and transparency, to represent a "due diligence protocol". Refreshing change, if attained.

Mr. Bernier gave due notice that Canada would monitor events throughout the span of the project to ensure that Canada would be satisfied that none of its funding would be directed or inadvertently end up in support of terrorism. Mr. Malki informed reporters who questioned his opinion over the apprehension that Canada appeared to favour Israel over the Palestinians, that "We are satisfied with the working relationship that we have."

Can't get more diplomatic than that. Especially when being gifted with hundreds of millions of dollars of foreign taxpayers' money.

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