Monday, February 04, 2008

Degraded Human Instincts of Revenge

What surely can one say about people who find comfort and joy in carrying out violent and unprovoked attacks - not against those who are armed and ready to confront their cross-border incursions to wreak the ultimate damage on soft human tissues and to instill fear in the hearts of those they claim to be their oppressors - but on harmless innocent civilians, women and children, going about the business of their daily lives.

This intractable problem has been the bane of Israeli politicians and the military, doing their utmost to restrain terrorists from entering Israeli borders, or, living withing the borders, determined to wreak bloody vengeance for perceived wrongs. It's the reason that the irritatingly-encircling wall of deterrence was built, much to the dismay of the international community and the Palestinian residents whose lives the wall has disrupted.

But it has been more than moderately successful in diminishing attacks against civilians by explosives-laden suicidists eager to sacrifice their lives for their bitterly delusional cause. A cause which, in the end, grants them nothing but grief, and forestalls any real efforts to achieve a co-operative peace with Israel, enabling Palestinians to begin the process of launching a state of their own.

But there is Hamas, always Hamas, and to aid and assist that Iran-Syria proxy militia in its deadly efforts, there is also Fatah-affiliated Islamic Jihad, and the Al-Aksa Martyrs Brigade, and the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, working occasionally against one another, occasionally in helpful tandem for they share the same terror goal of obliteration of the State of Israel.

We should not forget the "moderate", the good political face of Fatah, however. That Fatah in which the international community places its trust. That Fatah that speaks in Arabic to its supporters of a Palestinian state embracing and obliterating Israel, and in English to the globe, meekly accepting partition.

Gazans who have handed their futures over to Hamas won their little shopping victory, invading the Egyptian border in anxiety and in glee. Hamas' responsibility in provoking Israel into closing the border between them, in testing Israeli patience beyond endurance by non-stop Kassams, never quite acknowledged by Palestinians. But blame apportioned solely to Israel, their oppressors. So they flooded eagerly toward a shopping spree.

Handily enabling Hamas, whom they effusively praised for this opportunity to shop, and Islamic Jihad to infiltrate in their wake. For although Egypt had her soldiers diligently scrutinizing those who passed, and although they detained a number of Hamas and Islamic Jihad members, it could have been no secret to anyone that Hamas's infiltration agenda succeeded. Egypt worried that Hamas terrorists would target Sinai.

And of course, there was also the spillover effect of introducing thousands of rifles, ammunition, explosive devices and other handy materials of guerrilla warfare into Gaza for the ongoing pleasure and cheerful occupation of those dedicated to murdering at will across national borders. Egyptian security forces, themselves not entirely admiring of Hamas apprehended armed intruders believed to be planning attacks against Jewish tourists in their holiday-destination-peninsula.

So it was hardly surprising when a day later, a suicide bombing was carried out in a market in the Negev desert town of Dimona. One woman killed, ten others wounded. While a second terrorist, awaiting his turn at detonation until a sufficient crowd gathered to make it worthwhile, was detected and dispatched, averting a larger catastrophe. One of the wounded, being treated in hospital was said to have close to a thousand shrapnel pieces embedded in stomach and torso.

Fatah's Al-Aksa Martyrs Brigade has proudly taken ownership of the celebrated event, announcing its empowerment alongside the PLFP, while Islamic Jihad effusively praised the attack. Most heart-warming of all, residents of Gaza celebrated the wonderful victory over their enemies by dancing in the streets and handing out sweets for all to share in their joy.

Israeli intelligence service warns that the open border between Egyptian Sinai and Israel, having been infiltrated through the Sinai-Gaza border opening, had allowed dedicated Gazan terrorists to launch attacks such as this in the most easily accessible towns such as those in the Negev. And that more could be anticipated.

In this take-no-prisoners chess game of terror Hamas made a winning move, with disastrous results for Israel. Winning, for Hamas, can only be construed as the successful murder of civilian Israelis, the more the better, be they children or women, they all represent the enemy, all to be annihilated.

Fatah is far kinder; they, that is the political portion, seek only to abolish the state and scatter the Jewish population - exactly where is no concern of theirs.

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