Friday, February 20, 2009

Canada's Position on Anti-Semitism

Canada is a country built on its communities of immigrants. A country of 33-million people in a vast geographic territory, the population represents a veritable United Nations of ethnicities, traditions, cultures, ideologies and religions. It is a country that seeks to balance itself delicately on the tip of its own history and traditions, inclusive of those of its immigrant populations'. A country dedicated to its concept of multiculturalism, respect for others, and equality of opportunity.

This is often an uneasy balancing act. Traditionally a white, Anglo-Saxon country, Canada has been transformed over the past four decades to become what it currently is; home to a multitude of languages, colours, cultures and traditions. Under the umbrella of Canadian law and practises, its social conventions and values. Inclusive of recognizing the multifarious nature of its various ethnic demographics. As a society dedicated to fairness and pluralism we do fairly well.

But there are no perfect societies, strive as we may. The diversity of the human experience, tribal and clan affiliations, customs and traditions all interface in the greater collective, and occasionally there are disruptions in the orderly face of society. Groups from abroad importing cultural biases, traditional enmities, and sometimes seeking to practise them on Canadian soil. Resulting in the inevitable clash, one of which was cataclysmic, when militant Sikhs planned a horrendous catastrophe against Hindus.

Groups representing militant insurgents have planted themselves within Canada, to the detriment of the country and the entire society. Canadian authorities and police agencies struggle to contain disparate groups' predatory and abusive actions toward others of their common heritage. Groups like the outlawed Tamil Tigers, conspiring within Canada to raise funds for their violent cause leading to a homeland, and groups bringing into the country traditions of lawlessness and gang warfare.

And among those groups there are additionally those who spread discrimination, racial unrest, and anti-Semitism. Of the latter spreaders of hatred, the Canadian Arab Federation, once a respected community group giving service to the Arab community within Canada, and the Canadian Islamic Congress under the leadership of Khaled Mouammar and Mohamed Elmasry respectively, stand out as problematic and inimical to the good of the country.

Both men and their respective groups have been unstinting in their efforts to paint Israel as an apartheid state, a human-rights-abusing country, and by extension Jews as predatory and of ill character whose purpose in life has been instructively outlined in the shameful "Protocol of the Elders of Zion". These groups and their leaders espouse the work of Hamas and Hezbollah, terror groups outlawed by Canadian law.

As Canada is wont to do, public funds have been distributed to assist the community work of multicultural organizations and societies, and these two groups included. Minister of Citizenship, Immigration and Multiculturalism Jason Kenney has recently indicated that funding will be cut back for the Canadian Arab Federation. Its president, Khaled Mouammar will doubtless not be dreadfully surprised, having expressed an opinion of Minister Kenney as a "professional whore" for support of Israel.

Minister Kenney knows full well with whom he is dealing, having outlined his position during his recent attendance at the Inter-Parliamentary Commission for Combating Anti-Semitism, in London England. There he quoted from earlier words spoken by Canada's Prime Minister: "Unfortunately in some countries hatred of the Jews is still preached from religious pulpits and still proclaimed from political podiums. There are still people who would perpetrate another Holocaust if they could."

The Prime Minister was expressing his revulsion at the phenomenon of anti-Semitism and the results of the most extreme expression of that racist pathology after a visit to Auschwitz, describing it as "...this genocide was so premeditated and grotesque in design, so monstrous and barbaric in scale and so systematic and efficient in execution that it stands alone in the annals of human evil."

But it represents what can occur if racially-biased and hatefully incendiary propaganda is successfully disseminated for long enough among a gradually accepting population. A propaganda that can and will result in the apprehension that the targeted group has no human rights, and represents sub-human characteristics that the world would be better off extinguishing.

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