Friday, April 10, 2009

Ah, Progress!

What profound satisfaction. Progress - promised - has been attained. President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, so enamoured of sticking his index finger metaphorically in the world's eye, has once again grandiloquently pronounced on the blessed progress of the country's nuclear program. Like it or not, that's the message. Even if it's inflated, the message is there, loud and clear: they're in the running.

Monsieur Ahmadinejad cut the ribbon at the fuel facility in Asfahan. Capable of producing 10 tonnes of nuclear fuel yearly. To enable the 40-megawatt Arak reactor its heavy water allotment, and to provide for the 30 tonnes for light water reactors like the Bushehr nuclear plant. Stick that in your craw, international community.

Why, after all, should not the glorious Islamic Republic of Iran have its nuclear fun? Strictly for domestic purposes, of course.

Pakistan has, India has, Britain, France, Israel, Russia, China and the United States have their nuclear installations - er, that is to say nuclear bombs. But of course it isn't bomb technology this nation so close to God is interested in. Even if Grand Ayatollah Khomenei has it on the highest authority that Allah has authorized such defensive measurements.

For the greater glory of Islam. Shia-style. To ornament and compel the reputation of the first among firsts, the ascendant imperial Islamist power. Upon whom all eyes are fixed. Fixated. Drawn inextricably. What next from the febrile minds of this hubristic state? Demanding respect, and giving none.

"Today in Natanz there are around 7,000 centrifuges installed" atomic chief Gholam Reza Aghazadeh proudly averred, claiming Iran has reached its planned "new phase of acquiring the technology of uranium enrichment". Good on yer.

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