Wednesday, April 08, 2009

Search for Commonality of Purpose

Even while President Barak Obama presents himself as a champion of universal human rights, and confers a sense of equality between all members of the global community he speaks with those who espouse a view of themselves as different, apart and superior.

No one religion or ethnic group actually has a monopoly on feeling itself set apart and clearly superior. But no religion other than Islam, and no group other than the Arab community currently considers itself obligated to grieve the universal lack of recognition of its superiority.

No religion is as disdainful, dismissive and hostile to other religions at this time in history as is Islam.

Islam remains a staunchly proselytizing religion, and it also, under sharia law, condemns apostasy as deserving of the death penalty. Islam remains a religion mired in the social bleakness of medieval times. Its fundamental rigidity, unwillingness to remain a religion presents its followers with little choice but to accept Islamism, the politicization of Islam.

And political Islam sees itself incapable of rendering the merest vestige of freedom of choice to its adherents. It must control each and every moment of the lives of Muslims, from dawn to dusk, insisting on the rigidity of due diligence in calls to prayer throughout the day, of individuals seeing themselves as Muslims, faithful to Islam, surrendering their humanity to a higher cause, that of sublime worship.

There is no free will, only what is fated. There is no obligations other than to Koranic observance. There is no loyalty but to Allah. There is no choice but to obey and to worship the message of the Prophet of Allah. There is no compunction in Islam in destroying the most sacred religious texts or buildings or monuments relating to other, impure, religions. Respect is due solely to Islam.

This is not rational, but faith is not rational. Despite which those who have faith can be rational human beings. Islam encourages the emergence of unbridled emotions and passions. An impugned insult to Islam incurs the violent wrath of multitudes intent on wreaking vengeance against those who slander Islam, who mock its Prophet, who impiously seek to belittle the majesty of its power and presence.

It it toward these - not the people of Islam as a whole, so many of whom have discovered they are capable of worshipping their God without relinquishing their freedom to be human - but those who present as the translators of God's will, the imams, the ayatollahs, the mullahs, the Islamist heads of state - that President Barak Obama seeks to find common cause, understanding and co-operation.

Good luck, good man.

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